The Newest Beer On The Market Has The Aroma Of Whale Vomit

The Newest Beer On The Market Has The Aroma Of Whale Vomit
The Newest Beer On The Market Has The Aroma Of Whale Vomit

At the last Melbourne Beer Festival, Australian brewers presented the newest brand of beer on the market, named after the artistic hero Moby Dick. The name of the huge whale from the work of the same name was not chosen by chance, as the beer has the aroma of vomit from a whale.

The drink is flavored with the popular musk amber, which is formed in the intestines of whales and which is also used in perfumery and medicine, making the products much more expensive.

The scent of ambergris stands out, but is called the whale's vomit because it forms in their intestines to help digest the largest mammal on the planet.

Ambergris is one of the rarest ingredients in the world and when used in a product, it makes it several times more expensive. It is valuable because it is released into the ocean only when the whale dies.

As long as he is alive, the substance that helps his digestive process cannot be taken and used.

In many cultures, the scent of ambergris is considered a powerful aphrodisiac and is even described as the magical ingredient of any love elixir. According to legend, it is enough for a person to smell it and if you smell amber, they will immediately fall in love with you.


The authors of the Australian beer Moby Dick are the Australian brewers Maris and Christy Bizays, who share that the fragrant perfumes with amber aroma have inspired them to create amber beer.

Ambergirl is not used in beer in its pure form because its aroma is too strong and intrusive. It is used to make a tincture, which is obtained after small pieces of amber are dipped in alcohol.

And these pieces are mixed with the usual ingredients of beer.

As for the taste, the creators of the sparkling drink say that people will try something really unusual, because this is the first beer that resembles the sea and sea animals.
