Little Known Facts About The Benefits Of Sauerkraut

Little Known Facts About The Benefits Of Sauerkraut
Little Known Facts About The Benefits Of Sauerkraut

With the onset of cold weather and autumn, most Bulgarians start preparing pickles. Central in this regard is the preparation of sauerkraut, which later often began to be present on our table.

Putting sauerkraut in pots and cans is a real ritual and the whole family begins to look forward to when they can taste it.

Much has already been written about the benefits of sauerkraut and cabbage juice. And there is hardly a person who has not heard that it is probably the greatest sobering. According to old Russian legends, it is good to drink cabbage juice before sitting down for a glass so as not to get drunk, and if this happens, cabbage juice comes to the rescue again, which will protect you from the expected hangover. However, here are some little-known facts about the benefits of sauerkraut and cabbage juice:

- Sauerkraut is very rich in nicotinic acid, which in turn takes care of our good appearance. It makes our hair vibrant and gives it shine and at the same time protects our nails from brittleness;

- Sauerkraut strengthens our immune system and protects us from colds, flu and even the flu. Its secret lies in the fact that it is very rich in vitamin C;

sour cabbage
sour cabbage

- Most of us know that sauerkraut can cause gas or a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, but this only happens in people who have high stomach acidity. Otherwise, doctors advise patients who suffer from stomach or duodenal ulcers to consume sauerkraut regularly;

- A recent study shows that sauerkraut works well on male potency. The participants in the study consumed sauerkraut 3 times a day and found that it had a good effect on their masculinity;

- Sauerkraut is used in alternative medicine to prevent and treat breast cancer;

- Sauerkraut works well on the liver and can save you from chronic constipation;

- With the help of sauerkraut you can treat hemorrhoids. It can even save you from worms. For this purpose, however, you should drink 500 ml of cabbage juice each time before meals for at least 20 days.
