Tea With Its Own Museum In Russia

Tea With Its Own Museum In Russia
Tea With Its Own Museum In Russia

The most popular drink in Russia, tea, already has its own museum in Moscow.

One of the cousins' tea factories brought together over 100 years of the drink's history in the country.

"The creation of such a museum became possible thanks to the initiative of the people working here. In the 1950s, they began to create their collection," Maxim Balakin, director general of the Moscow Tea Factory, told RIA Novosti.

One of the most valuable exhibits in the museum are tea collections of Russian factories in the period of the second half of the XIX and XX centuries.

Otherwise, the homeland of tea is China. There is a lot of historical information and legends about who discovered it and when exactly it came into mass use among the population of the most populous country.

One of the most common theories is that tea exists because of the strange habits of the Chinese Emperor Shen Nun, who lived in the XXVIII century BC.

He drank only boiled water to avoid any disease. During a tour of one of his provinces, the emperor became thirsty. The servants of his retinue lit a fire, and chamomile leaves accidentally fell into the boiling water.

The emperor liked the aromatic drink. After all, he is an example to follow, and soon his subjects went crazy for tea.
