Eggplant Helps With Constipation

Eggplant Helps With Constipation
Eggplant Helps With Constipation

Eggplant, also called blue tomato, is a plant of the genus Dog Grape of the Potato family. The plant bears a fruit of the same name, which is widely used as a vegetable in cooking.

Eggplant is a close relative of tomatoes and potatoes. It originates from India and Sri Lanka. It is an annual plant, reaching 40-150 cm in height. The flowers are white to purple, with a five-part corolla and yellow stamens. The fruit is a fleshy seed, contains numerous small soft seeds.

Eggplant is characterized by its richness of important minerals such as potassium, calcium and iron, sodium, protein, vitamin A and fiber. Due to its healthy qualities, it has become a favorite vegetable of many kings and queens over the centuries.

In India and elsewhere in Asia, there are varieties that resemble hen's eggs in size. The colors of eggplant vary from white to yellow or green, as well as reddish-purple and dark purple.

Eggplant has a high content of chlorogenic acid. It is one of the most powerful antioxidants produced in plant tissues. The acid is dominated by more than 10 phenolic compounds that protect against stress and infections.

Eggplant with Marina
Eggplant with Marina

The phytonutrients contained in eggplant help prevent cell damage caused by free radicals. Thanks to the nasunin they contain, eggplants help lower bad cholesterol.

Due to its high fiber content, blue tomato is also effective in relieving constipation. It is also recommended for the prevention of hemorrhoids and colitis.

Blue tomato is also useful in diets because it is not high in calories and fat.

Eggplants are prepared in different ways - steamed, fried or baked. To soften their bitter taste, sliced aubergines should be salted and left to stand for at least 30 minutes before cooking.
