Belgium Has Also Banned Plastic Bags In Supermarkets And Shops

Belgium Has Also Banned Plastic Bags In Supermarkets And Shops
Belgium Has Also Banned Plastic Bags In Supermarkets And Shops

France and Belgium later passed a law banning the use of environmentally harmful plastic bags. As of September 1, the law is now in force for both retailers and wholesalers.

In the official announcement, the authorities say that the supermarket cash registers will be able to offer their customers only paper bags, and for fruits and vegetables will be placed plastic-based bags with the so-called. biofibers.

For the time being, an exception to the ban will be made only for thick plastic bags, which are used in the sale of clothes and household items.

Whether retailers will offer paper bags for free, like plastic ones, or charge them, is up to them, say the Belgian authorities.

Nylon bags
Nylon bags

Until November 1, however plastic bags throughout the commercial network they must be replaced by those whose material can be recycled. In case of a registered violation after this date, the trader will be fined between 5,000 and 100,000 euros.

The measure is taken in order to protect the environment from pollution with polyethylene waste, which in natural conditions decomposes for several hundred years.


The law was adopted on 1 December 2016, and the first Belgian regions to implement it in practice were Wallonia and Flanders.

The average European consumes 198 million bags a year, 90% of which are lightweight plastic bags. It is produced in about 5 seconds, and its complete decomposition takes about 500 years.

In 2010, 8 billion plastic bags were discarded in Europe. During this period, Bulgarians used an average of 246 million disposable bags and 175 million reusable bags. With these indicators we rank 11th in the use of plastic bags.
