Benefits And Applications Of Elecampane

Benefits And Applications Of Elecampane
Benefits And Applications Of Elecampane

The election campaign (Oman) is a herbaceous perennial plant. It occurs in the form of shrubs. This plant blooms in the second half of summer. Its colors are yellow or orange.

The plant is common in the European part of Russia, Central Asia, the Urals and Western Siberia. It is found mainly in meadows, near water or in ditches.

In Russia Elecampane is used to treat nine diseases. The roots of this plant are used to treat many more diseases.

They are used for medicinal purposes the roots of Elecampane. Its roots are collected in the fall. When choosing which plant to pluck, it is seen that it has straight stems, they are tall and more than three years old.

The roots of Elecampane have a bitter and spicy taste. They also have a special smell.

The roots are dug, cleaned and cut from the ground. Then they should be washed, arranged in smaller pieces and dried for a few days. Elecampane roots are dried directly in the air. Then they are collected and stored in a ventilated place.

The benefits of Elecampane

Benefits and applications of white oman
Benefits and applications of white oman

- improve digestion;

- normalize the excretory function of the stomach and intestines;

-stimulate appetite;

- improve metabolism;

- have a tightening effect;

- diuretic properties;

- anti-inflammatory properties;

- antiseptic properties.

Taking Elecampane has many benefits for the human body.

Elecampane is used to treat:

- headache;

- epilepsy;

- eczema;

- neurodermatitis;

- gingivitis;

- hemorrhoids;

- gout;

- cough;

- diseases of the digestive system;

- with weakened immunity;

- tuberculosis;

- skin diseases;

- problems with the musculoskeletal system;

- problems of the reproductive system.

Elecampane is used from ancient times for the treatment of a large number of diseases.

It is mainly used the root.

IN Elecampane roots are contained essential oils, organic acids, alkaloids and insulin. Insulin is a natural substitute for sugar.

Elecampane is also known as wild sunflower, yellow, doubt, wild and others.
