Frankenfood Or The Most Common Mutants On Our Plate

Frankenfood Or The Most Common Mutants On Our Plate
Frankenfood Or The Most Common Mutants On Our Plate

There are thousands of products that contain GMOs. But there is no indication of this. Recently, environmental organizations announced the most popular foods, fully genetically processed.

These are canola oil, lecithin, soybean oil, cottonseed oil, soy sauce, corn oil and starch, corn syrup and soy protein. They have been shown to be harmful to human health. But they are not the only ones.

One of the analogues of food is soy. Used to improve local and dairy products. Or so the manufacturers claim.

Artificial vegetables
Artificial vegetables

The addition of soy actually saves on the natural components milk and meat, which are simply replaced by GMOs soy protein supplement. It is found everywhere - in all kinds of salami, ham, sausages, sausages, frankfurters and more.

By adding soy surrogate, production is reduced at the expense of the natural component. But this is seriously hurting consumers. A study conducted in the 50s proved the presence of non-substances in soy that have a detrimental effect on the thyroid gland.

GMO Tomatoes
GMO Tomatoes

Frequent use of soy, which is inevitable when buying and using GMO products can lead to chronic inability to absorb amino acids, leading to additional disorders in the human body.

Up to 30 grams of soy a day lead to the development of goiter and other diseases, say Japanese researchers. Doctors at Cornell University have found that children who drink large amounts of soy milk develop diabetes.

Soy products
Soy products

The Western press named the mutant food "Frankenfood", by analogy with the mythical monster Frankenstein.

The production of genetically modified food is justified by scientists who say it will save the planet from starvation. One of their most interesting (and frightening) achievements is drought-resistant corn.

To achieve this, a scorpion gene was isolated and inserted into the cob. The tomatoes we eat in the winter are derived from the salmon's DNA, which is cold-resistant.

The problem with these crosses is that they are made between three kingdoms - that of animals, plants, and ultimately humans. The ancient sages said man is what he eats.

The problem is that our body is still at an evolutionary level, and the collision of the past and the future leads to anomalies such as obesity, allergies, and even death.
