The Dancing KFC Chickens Infuriated The Vegans

The Dancing KFC Chickens Infuriated The Vegans
The Dancing KFC Chickens Infuriated The Vegans

The latest commercial for one of the most popular fast food chains KFC infuriated environmentalists and vegans. Even some of the biggest fans of the chain believe that this time all the boundaries were crossed.

In the advertising of the chain, famous for the most delicious and fresh chicken, the advertising slogan is Whole chicken. On it, several white and very cute hens move to the rhythm of DMX's song - X Gon 'Give It To Ya. The ad assures its customers that all products in the chain are made from 100% chicken.

KFC Marketing Director Meg Farron announced that the company is proud of its chicken and does not bother to show it. The Whole Chicken project is another step towards proving to loyal fans. However, the advertisement managed to attract public anger.

PETA Director Elisa Allen was the first to react. She is convinced that the company is mocking their advertisement with chickens, whose slogan is: I am me, I am not meat. According to her, the KFC ad seems to have been made by conservationists because it provokes compassion for poor animals, not a desire to eat them. Anyone who looks these smart, social, sensitive and beautiful birds in the eye will realize that they are individuals, not just food.

Consumer opinion overlaps with that of the PETA director. While some call the ad disgusting, others wonder how a sweet dancing chicken will make you want to eat it. However, there are people who consider the idea simply ingenious.

The contradiction of opinions is a fact. However, KFC stands behind its product and is not afraid to demonstrate that it offers fresh meat - in defiance of all vegans and vegetarians.
