A Smart Mug Will Keep You From Getting Drunk

A Smart Mug Will Keep You From Getting Drunk
A Smart Mug Will Keep You From Getting Drunk

A company in Los Angeles will soon launch a new invention - a smart mug, which will think for you about the amount of drinks consumed and will warn you when you overdo it.

The American product will bear the ePint brand. The mug will keep track of how many full glasses you drink in an hour and will send the data to your smartphone or tablet. The smart cup will also have an option through which it can call you a taxi if you are not able to drive.

The days you relied on friends and colleagues to help you control your alcohol intake are a thing of the past, say the creators of the smart mug.

The mug has a built-in sensor that will read the entire amount of alcohol consumed. When you start overdoing the treat, the mug will start to glow red, which will signal that you need to stop drinking.

Most of the time, the mug will be able to shine in the colors of your favorite football team.


The cup is made of durable polycarbonate, will cost $ 60, and the American company says it will be released in April 2016.

The company has invested $ 50,000 to create the mug. It will protect you from overdosing on alcohol, but it will definitely not stop you from drinking and for the convenience of beer fans a bottle opener will be installed on the bottom of the mug.

A few years ago, American scientists announced that they were working to create a drug that would neutralize the intoxicating effect of alcohol. The pill can be taken before you start drinking.

The drug is called iomazenil and is still being tested on volunteers. Their reflexes are tested in a car simulator when they have consumed more.

A research team from Yale University claims that the new drug allows drivers to drive simulated cars perfectly, even when they have consumed too much alcohol.
