Extreme Culinary Delicacies Around The World

Extreme Culinary Delicacies Around The World
Extreme Culinary Delicacies Around The World

Alligator cheesecake is one of the strangest foods in the world. It is served in a cafe in New Orleans, USA and is actually a spicy cheesecake with fine pieces of crocodile meat.

Bitter melon, which is common in Africa and Asia, contains the substance momordicin. It gives it bitterness and causes an unpleasant sensation in the mouth.

Despite its disgusting taste, this melon is a unique combination of vitamins and minerals that reduce sugar in diabetics, and is also used in the treatment of AIDS.

The bloody tongue, known in Germany, is made from beef or beef tongue and blood, which is kept in the marinade. Then it is boiled, cooled and turned into a delicious roll. According to experts, the taste of blood is so delicate, as if you were licking a freshly cut finger.


In China and Japan, chicken knees are crazy. They grill them or fry them in garlic sauce. In Scotland, on the other hand, they like haggis - lamb heart, lungs and liver, which are mixed with oatmeal, bacon, onions and spices.

The mixture is served in the stomach of a lamb or sheep. Live lobsters are popular in Asia. The faster the cook, the more lively is this dish, which is a favorite of those who love fresh food.

After the lobster is divided into two parts - the meat of the head and the meat of the belly, the meat is removed from the tail quickly and divided into portions. The meat and tail are then served on ice to preserve the motor reflexes of the slaughtered animal.


Natto, a popular food in Japan, is steamed soybeans for 6 hours. It turns into a sticky mucus with an unpleasant odor. After steaming for a long time, the bacterium Bacillus Subtilis is formed in the soybean.

After standing for eight days, the dish becomes extremely scary in appearance, but it is very useful. It is indispensable in the treatment of osteoporosis and reduces the risk of blood clots.

In Australia, people regularly eat raw or grilled caterpillars for breakfast. They are full of protein and taste like chicken. In Italy, the cow's udder, cooked according to all the rules of Mediterranean cuisine, is revered.
