To Whom

To Whom
To Whom

To whom / Myrciaria dubia / is a small shrubby tree that reaches 3-5 meters in height. There are small red-purple fruits that resemble cherries. The flowers of kamu kamu are small and white, with a sweet soft and fruity aroma. Kamu kamu bears fruit after the age of 5 years.

It blooms at the end of the dry season and bears fruit in the middle of the rainy season. It grows best in tropical climates, but is also found in the subtropics. It needs large amounts of water. Kamu kamu is distributed mainly in Peru and Brazil, as well as in the forests of the Amazon.

The local peoples of the Amazon are reaping the fruits of to whom to, dry them and use them for medicinal purposes for the rest of the year. When dried and ground, the purple-red fruits acquire a light beige color.

Kamu kamu fruit was first studied in the 1950s in Peru, where its high nutritional value and beneficial effects were found.

Composition of kamu kamu

Kamu kamu fruit is extremely rich in vitamin C, which makes up 2-3% of its weight. The juice of to whom to is rich in various minerals, but the iron content is the highest. In addition to iron, it contains satisfactory properties of calcium, potassium, protein, phosphorus, leucine, serine, valine, thiamine, ellagic acid.

Cut to whom
Cut to whom

100 g of kamu kamu contain 2.6 g of fat, 1.55 g of protein, 2800 mg of vitamin C, 0.76 g of fiber, 92.7 g of carbohydrates.

Selection and storage of kamu kamu

Fresh fruit to whom to cannot be found on the Bulgarian market. In our country kamu kamu can be purchased in the form of biosok, in the form of capsules or powder. The powder is very pleasant and slightly spicy in taste.

Kamu kamu powder is sold in packets of 125 g, one of which costs about BGN 40. It should not be stored in a warm place for more than a year in order to preserve the properties of vitamin C. It should be stored in a dry and cool place. away from children.

Kamu kamu in cooking

To whom has a great aroma and color of the fruit. The red pigment in the skin of the fruit gives the juices of kamu kamu an attractive pink color. The aroma of the juices is soft and unobtrusive. Kamu kamu is also used to make sweets and ice creams. Kamu Kamu lemonade is a very fresh summer drink. You need 2 tbsp. to whom to powder, 1/4 cup water, 2 tbsp. agave, ½ s.l. stevia, 1/3 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Mix all ingredients in a blender and mix for about a minute. Serve the lemonade chilled. Kamu kamu can be added to cocktails, raw desserts or drinking water. In Japan, kamu kamu extract is added to sweets, energy drinks and multivitamins.

Benefits of kamu kamu

To whom a tree
To whom a tree

To whom It is used to keep the immune system in good condition, maintain excellent vision, reduce inflammation and improve the condition of the lungs, prevent viral infections, maintain beautiful skin, maintain healthy collagen and joints. Kamu Kamu supports the functions of the heart, skin, eyes, brain, heart and liver.

The fruits of to whom to whom are most recommended for the treatment of asthma, glaucoma, gingivitis, hepatitis, infertility, migraine, cataracts, atherosclerosis, Parkinson's disease. They have good analgesic and antiviral action. Kamu kamu is an excellent antioxidant.

To this day, the tribes of the Amazon prepare a tonic to nourish the hair from the fruit. to whom to whom.

Kamu kamu fruits help prevent genetic mutations that are involved in the formation of cancers. They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, increase the body's chances of conceiving and nourish the uterus.

As we mentioned, the content of vitamin C in kamu kamu is not to be underestimated. This vitamin is extremely important because it is involved in building nerves, muscles, skin and bones. The lack of the valuable vitamin in the body predisposes to scurvy.

Harm from kamu kamu

30 g of kamu kamu can be taken no more than three times a day. Be careful with kamu kamu doses, because diarrhea can occur in case of overdose.
