Health Benefits Of Quinoa

Health Benefits Of Quinoa
Health Benefits Of Quinoa

Loboda is one of the most ancient such plants. Known and used by people for centuries, it has lost its popularity over the years. And you should not - it is among the most valuable gifts given to us by nature.

The quince plant is not appreciated by growers because it does not have much durability. It is grown mainly by amateur gardeners both for food and for decorating the yard. In the large Lobodov family there are over 100 species with 1,500 subspecies. 7 of them are grown in our country.

The yellow and green quinoa are of culinary interest. The rest are grown for decoration. Garden quinoa is also known as sweet grass and sagebrush, while the wild quiver is known as dog quiver, audible, fiery weed.

Even the Byzantines described the benefits of quinoa. They believe that it helps with chest and throat pain. The Greeks used it to moisturize the abdomen, in case of liver heat, jaundice and dandruff.

Today, even traditional medicine recognizes quinoa as a remedy for some stomach ailments. It has pronounced bactericidal properties. In folk medicine, quince is widely used as a painkiller, sedative, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, laxative, anthelmintic and cholagogue.

Something else. known for centuries, the property of quince is associated with teeth. Juice or tincture of the leaves of the plant is used in caries.


Quince infusion is also taken for coughs, for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, inflamed bile, duodenal ulcer and flatulence. It is a wonderful remedy for toothache and gum disease. It is also used for teeth whitening. Quince seeds are taken prophylactically against parasites.

Problems with the spleen and liver are treated by taking a tincture of the seeds in 1/4 cup, 4 times in 24 hours. Its intake improves and has a positive effect on conditions of neurasthenia, hysteria and severe prolonged headache, even paralysis.
