Rule: Parsley Does Not Like Salt

Rule: Parsley Does Not Like Salt
Rule: Parsley Does Not Like Salt

Easy to grow and affordable, parsley is one of the most popular and commonly used spices. It was used in ancient Greece as a spice and medicine.

Along with all its useful properties, parsley has some contraindications - it is not recommended to be consumed in large quantities by pregnant women, hypertensives. Not suitable for people suffering from nephritis and cystitis.

It is especially important that parsley should not be salted - salting the plant will lead to the formation of nitrosamines, which can cause stomach cancer.

What does parsley contain and what is it good for?

The spice is extremely rich in ascorbic acid, protein, essential oils, flavonoids, mineral salts, folic acid, etc. The vitamins it contains in parsley rank it among the leading crops - in about 30 g of fresh leaves there is the necessary dose of vitamin C for the day.

Parsley leaves are also rich in B vitamins, vitamin PP and K. The green spice contains carotene, potassium and calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and others.

The roots of the green plant contain egg yolk and sugars, and parsley seeds are rich in oils with diuretic action. The seeds help with stomach ailments - increase the secretion of juices in the stomach and promote the absorption of food.

In pharmacy, parsley seeds are used for impaired kidney function, bladder problems. They are often used as a propellant, help with flatulence.

Parsley It is also useful for reduced body forces - it improves metabolic processes, activates the functions of the thyroid gland, etc. Irregular menstruation can also be regulated with the spice.

The list of beneficial properties of parsley is really endless - it also helps with fever and malaria. The juice of the plant removes dark spots on the skin, relieves skin inflammation. It is also often used for insect bites.

Parsley salad
Parsley salad

We offer you several recipes from folk medicine with parsley, which will alleviate your condition:

- If you have swelling, you need to pour 2 tbsp. powdered seeds with 1 tsp. hot water. The mixture is boiled for a quarter of an hour and then cooled. Drink 1 tbsp. up to 6 times a day;

- If you suffer from flatulence, pour a glass of water 2 tbsp. seeds of the plant and cook in a water bath for half an hour. Then cool and strain - drink in five doses. Each time take 1 tbsp.

- Menstrual disorders can be regulated by soaking in a glass of water 1 tsp. parsley seeds. Leave the mixture for eight hours and then drink the water for a day - divide it into four equal parts;

- Overweight can be adjusted with a few herbs - mix 1 tbsp. dandelion roots, fennel head, parsley seeds, 3 tbsp. bark of alder buckwheat, a handful of mint leaves. All this is poured with 500 ml of water and boiled for half an hour. Strain and drink a small amount of the mixture each morning before breakfast;

- In rheumatism, mix 1 tbsp. willow bark, nettle leaves, black elderflower, parsley seeds. Boil the herbs in 500 ml of water and after it cools down, drink the mixture three times a day.
