The Beer That Sends The Most Drinkers To The Hospital

The Beer That Sends The Most Drinkers To The Hospital
The Beer That Sends The Most Drinkers To The Hospital

The most popular American beer turned out to be the most harmful for its lovers. A study initiated by Johns Hopkins Medical College surveyed 105 patients at the clinic in Baltimore.

It turned out that most of them prefer Budweiser beer. 15% of respondents ended up in hospital after the third glass of beer.

Budweiser is at the forefront of the American beer market. It was introduced in 1876 and is available in over 80 markets worldwide.

Brands of beer
Brands of beer

In addition to hops and barley malt, it contains 30% rice.

Its creator is Adolf Busch. He arrived in the United States in 1857 and settled in St. Louis, Missouri. In the beginning, the German owned a small brewery.

Traveling in Europe with his close friend Adolf has mastered various techniques for brewing, pasteurizing and improving the durability of beer.

In 1876 he created the Budweiser brand. The name is inspired by a popular Czech beer at the time. In the United States, the most commonly used name is the abbreviated Bud. In many advertisements, the Czech origin of the beer is ridiculed.

Types of beer
Types of beer

Recent research that has proven the harmful effects of beer has given birth to a new series of ads linking the drink to the Emergency Department.

For many years, the Budweiser brand has been a major sponsor of various motorsports, football clubs and the British Basketball League.

In 2010, an online reality show was launched, following the lives of 32 football fans.

Steel Reserve Malt Liquor, Colt 45 and Bud Ice are also among the four most popular beers produced in the United States.

In 2012, US health authorities announced that 17% of Americans were alcoholics. Doctors warn that alcoholism carries very serious dangers. It can damage the liver, brain and other organs.

Drinking during pregnancy can harm your baby. Drunk driving increases the risk of an accident. Uncontrolled amounts of alcohol can lead to injury, homicide or suicide.
