The Body Also Needs Fat

The Body Also Needs Fat
The Body Also Needs Fat

Yes, yes, we assume you are on a diet! Aren't you tired of depriving your body of food? !! He needs fatty acids.

They play a very important role in the human body, as they are present in the process of cell construction and the action of a number of important organs in the body - brain, eyes, heart, skin, nerves, digestive system.

But most importantly, fatty acids supply us with energy. That is why it is contraindicated to exclude them completely from our menu.

If you don't know, fat is found in almost every food. The poorest in fat are fruits and vegetables. Unlike meat, butter, nuts.

The body also needs fat
The body also needs fat

There are several types of fats - "good" and "bad". The first are unsaturated fats and we can get them from olive oil, fish, avocados, almonds, walnuts and pine nuts.

The other types of fatty acids are Omega 3 and Omega 6. Our body cannot produce them on its own, so we get them through food.

Omega 3 fatty acids are found in flaxseed, sardines, herring, salmon, mackerel. And Omega 6 in sunflower seeds, vegetable oil, sunflower, sesame, soy, saffron, margarine, pumpkin seeds.

Avoid saturated fats. They are found in products of animal origin: butter, cheese, cream, palm oil, coconut.
