Benefits And Harms Of Cedar Nuts

Benefits And Harms Of Cedar Nuts
Benefits And Harms Of Cedar Nuts

Pine nuts, also known as Indian nuts or Pignoli, are the fruit of pine trees used for thousands of years in the cuisines of Europe, North America and Asia. They are high in protein, fiber and are very fragrant.

These nuts are very high in calories, but also rich in zinc, magnesium, calcium, potassium, vitamins E, B2 and B3, iron and low sugar. What distinguishes it is the fact that they do not contain cholesterol, although the fat in them is abundant.

Pine nuts have digestive benefits because they suppress appetite, have powerful antioxidant protection, maintain cardiovascular health and more.

Cedar nuts are rich in antioxidants, thanks to which the body protects itself from the harmful effects of free radicals.

And they are present as a result of diets or under the influence of stress, and cause premature aging of the skin. In addition, they are also in the service of vision thanks to the vitamins contained in these nuts.

Pignoli contain pinolenic acid, which suppresses appetite and at the same time causes a feeling of satiety. This acid affects two hormones in the digestive tract, stimulating their production, which transmits a feeling of a full stomach and slows down digestive processes.

In this sense, there are capsules of cedar nuts on the market, which, taken 30 minutes before a meal, make us eat half as much.

Indian Nuts
Indian Nuts

Pine nuts are also the only source of high levels of oleic acid. It is the liver's first helper in removing harmful triglycerides from the body (they are the main part of fats).

This helps reduce the levels of bad LDL cholesterol, protects blood vessels from damage and the heart. Because of the fibers in them, peristalsis is regulated and a strong colon is maintained.

And the available vitamin K (plays an important role in blood clotting) improves blood circulation and has a positive role during menstruation. It reduces spasms of the uterine muscles and thus relieves pain.

Pine nuts are part of the olive oil and coffee very well known in southwestern America. We can also find it in various fish, vegetarian or meat recipes.

Against the background of the many benefits of eating pine nuts, there are cases of allergic reactions. Studies find common ground between peanut allergies and those of cedar nuts.

There is itching, rash with redness, watery eyes, abdominal pain, dizziness and vomiting. And some individual cases mention an unpleasant and prolonged bitter taste in the mouth after consumption.
