Twice As Many Grapes Are Expected This Year

Twice As Many Grapes Are Expected This Year
Twice As Many Grapes Are Expected This Year

Grape growers expect a great harvest this year. In fact, according to people from flour, this year's yields will be twice as high as those obtained in 2014.

Among the vine growers with a rich harvest will most likely be the producers from Sliven and Yambol. This was predicted by Albena Gospodinova - head of the Territorial Unit - Sliven department of the Executive Agency for Vine and Wine, quoted by DariknewsBg.

According to Gospodinova, the exact figure for 2015 is still unclear, but after the end of the harvest the data will be available. Due to the excellent condition of the vineyards at the moment the forecasts are quite encouraging.

In Sliven and Yambol, in addition to growing vines, the resulting yields are also processed. In these areas there are eighteen wineries that work with the varieties Merlot, Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Sauvignon Blanc, Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and others.

According to people familiar with the matter, this year not only will there be a bountiful harvest, but the fruits will also be of better quality than last autumn. High yields are also a reason for purchase prices to be lower. This greatly discourages growers and makes them sell at low prices.

Every year, wineries and resellers press us to sell our products for nothing. With their low purchase prices we are at a loss, we cannot even cover our costs, commented grape producers from Sandansko to StandardnewsCom.


That is why most of them have decided not to sell their grapes to wineries, but rely on private individuals to come to the place to buy quality fruit. The vine growers explain that buyers come from Pirin, Kyustendil, Pernik and Sofia.

However, manufacturers have found another way to make a profit. This part of the harvest, which they failed to sell, they exchange for other food products produced by Bulgarian farmers. In this way they get fresh potatoes, beans and firewood.

They will come from Samokov and Yakoruda with potatoes and beans, and we will give them grapes, explains the mayor of the Sandanski village of Vranya Valeri Popov.
