Tips For Using Eggs In Cocktails

Tips For Using Eggs In Cocktails
Tips For Using Eggs In Cocktails

Egg punch is a favorite drink associated with the Christmas holidays in some countries, and is the most famous egg-based drink. But there are many other good cocktails and drinks that include a raw egg.

Many of these drinks are classics created in the golden age of cocktails in the early 20th century. Others are newer creations, often influenced by these old drinks. Among them are the "chic" cocktails, which get silky foam thanks to the egg white, while other drinks require the whole egg or just the yolk.

Safe use of eggs in cocktails

Before we talk about how and why we use eggs in cocktails, we need to address problem number one with this ingredient: salmonella. Eggs can be one of the carriers of bacteria. This is a very serious matter, but there are ways to reduce the risks. However, if you are worried or do not trust the options below, it is advisable to simply avoid cocktails with and with eggs.

The people who are most susceptible to salmonella are young children, the elderly, pregnant women and anyone with a compromised immune system. Several soft drinks also include eggs, so these groups may also be affected.

For the rest of us, it is possible to deal with drinking raw eggs, although there is never a guarantee. Countless drinkers have enjoyed hundreds cocktails with eggs without any harmful effects, but the opposite option is also possible.

Tips for safe use of eggs

Tips for using eggs in cocktails
Tips for using eggs in cocktails

There are several things you can do to make yourself the freshest and safest egg-based drinks:

- Shop smart - buy eggs only from refrigerators. Choose eggs without cracks or damaged shells. Check the expiration dates and expiration dates.

- Pasteurized eggs - pasteurized eggs are available and are a good choice for drinks, as the pasteurization process is designed to kill any bacteria in the egg. The disadvantage of using these eggs is that some of the flavors are lost. Pasteurized eggs will be clearly marked as such.

- Egg "Product" - another alternative is the use of egg product - mainly processed eggs, which are sold whole or only as whites or yolks. Egg products include melange and egg powder. With them you will notice a significant difference in taste and most bartenders would not recommend their use in cocktails.

- Store smart - you will want to cool your raw (especially unpasteurized) eggs immediately. Store them in the coldest part of the refrigerator. Do not store them on the door (where they most often find a place), as the temperature there varies with each opening. Also store the eggs in the original packaging.

If you decide to use an egg product, it should be used immediately after opening it. When in doubt, throw it away. If the egg looks bad, has cracks or does not look right in any way, do not use it in a drink.

When you break an egg, if any part looks unusual, discolored, cloudy, or (again) not normal, discard it. It is also recommended to store eggs for no more than 3 weeks.

If in doubt about whether your eggs are fit, test them with water. For making drinks, those that sink to the bottom are best because they are the freshest. If the egg floats, discard it as it is no longer fit.

How to mix your eggs in cocktails

Tips for using eggs in cocktails
Tips for using eggs in cocktails

Photo: Albena Assenova

Mixing eggs in a cocktail requires a little more work. This is because the density of the egg requires additional mixing to fully integrate with the other ingredients of the drink. Also, when working with the egg, we must keep in mind the safety precautions we learned above.

Shake without ice, shake with ice

Eggs are best mixed by shaking. To get the best foam (especially with egg white and whole eggs), it is best to combine the ingredients of the drink in a cocktail shaker and shake them without ice. This is called a "dry shake". Then add ice and shake the drink again.

You will need to shake these drinks for at least 30 seconds and quite often your hands will hurt afterwards (meaning you are doing it right). The point is to shake until you are sure that the egg is fully integrated with the rest of the drink.

Separate the yolk from the egg white safely

If the drink you are making requires you to use either the egg white or the yolk, you will need to separate them. It is important to keep in mind that the egg may have bacteria on it, so it is best to avoid separating the egg from the shell.

Alternatives to separation include:

- Pour the eggs into a strainer and allow the egg white to strain into a bowl or cup;

- Use an egg separator. This is a handy kitchen tool that does all the work for you.

What do eggs add to cocktails?

Tips for using eggs in cocktails
Tips for using eggs in cocktails

There are three options for adding eggs to cocktails and for each recipe we will specify which part to use.

Whole eggs and egg whites are the most common.

Egg whites will have very little effect on the taste of the cocktail. They will just add a nice, rich, silky texture.

Egg yolks will add an "egg" flavor to the drink, similar to egg punch. The yolks are rarely used alone, although they are essential in cocktails.

Whole eggs contribute to the best of both worlds: egg flavor and silky texture. If the recipe just mentions "egg", use the whole egg.
