The Facts About The Spicy You Need To Know

The Facts About The Spicy You Need To Know
The Facts About The Spicy You Need To Know

Spicy foods are a favorite of millions of people around the world, and entire national cuisines rely on the spicy taste in their traditional recipes. It is believed that only adventure lovers like spicy, and there are other interesting facts about these foods that you need to know.

According to some researchers, people have started preparing spicy foods to kill bacteria in their products. It has been found that spicy foods can activate sensory neurons called polymodal noseseptors, which are located throughout the body.

However, not all spicy foods have exactly the same taste. The measure of spiciness is measured on the Scoville scale, and pepper in the form of a spray is defined as the hottest. It reaches 5 million Scoville units.

The countries that most often consume spicy are Nigeria, Ethiopia, India and China. They are followed by North and South Korea, Mexico and Japan. Peru, Senegal and Sicily are in third place.


Medical research shows that undoubtedly spicy food has several effects on the body of people who love it.

1. By eating something spicy, the human body reacts in the same way as when faced with a death threat;

2. In hot peppers and red pepper there are molecules that burn our palate when consumed;

3. The taste of mustard, horseradish and wasabi can spread even to the sinuses. For this reason, when we eat hot peppers, we have the feeling that our tongue burns, and when we eat wasabi, we have the feeling that our nose burns;

4. Eating spicy, our heart begins to beat faster;

Studies have found that people who regularly eat spicy foods are more likely to gamble.
