Saffron Is The Spice Of Peace And A Healthy Heart

Saffron Is The Spice Of Peace And A Healthy Heart
Saffron Is The Spice Of Peace And A Healthy Heart

Every chef has heard that saffron is called the King of Spices and has been convinced that it is not in vain that it deserves this nickname.

Although this spice is now used in very few households due to its high price, this has not always been the case. Decades ago, it was widespread and widely grown in its native Rose Valley.

Little is known about the fact that besides being an ideal spice for a number of dishes, saffron is also used as an herb due to its numerous healing powers. And it was as such, not as a spice, that it was used by ancient physicians. That is why here we will introduce you to the health benefits of saffron:

- Most doctors of antiquity believed that saffron not only renews the blood, but can have a beneficial effect on all human organs;

- Saffron has been used since time immemorial to regulate fat metabolism, vascular disease and lower blood pressure. Due to its ability to increase the human body's resistance to stress, it is believed that it can have a positive effect not only on sick people but also on healthy people;

- Saffron used for the prevention of atherosclerosis, hypertension and even in the initial stages of ischemic disease;

Heart problems
Heart problems

- To take advantage of the health benefits of saffron, it is necessary to soak 1 tsp. in 700 ml of boiling water for 1 hour, strain the medicinal decoction and drink 50 ml of it 3 times a day before meals;

- You can also prepare a tincture of saffron, which is soaked for 1 week in strong brandy in a ratio of 1:20 and is used for compresses for wounds, skin irritations, swelling, etc.;

- The only thing to be careful with when using saffron is not to overdose on it, as there is a danger of its narcotic properties.

The herb should also not be consumed by pregnant women because it can cause premature contractions and miscarriage. It was used for this purpose by some healers, who for a fee tried to save the girls from shame or just an unwanted pregnancy.
