Slim With The Advice Of Cindy Crawford

Slim With The Advice Of Cindy Crawford
Slim With The Advice Of Cindy Crawford

"Photographer Richard Avedon once told me, 'Cindy, I don't like the way you look when you lose too much weight - your facial features become too sharp. I remember those words," says the world-famous model. Cindy Crawford.

What and how to actually eat in a way that does not harm your body? The constant fear of not overdoing calories, constantly counting them, can bring us real stress.

According to Cindy, the secret lies in balancing our food. Here are her tips on how to do this:

Slim with the advice of Cindy Crawford
Slim with the advice of Cindy Crawford

1. Eat natural foods and as few industrially processed products as possible - foods that are freshly harvested without being chemically processed.

2. Eat more chicken. Meat is a source of amino acids, stimulates the production of serotonin in the brain. And serotonin is also called the hormone of happiness.

3. Don't miss meals. If the body does not receive food for a long time, the blood sugar level drops and so the desire to eat something sweet increases.

4. Eat 4 times more vegetables than protein (meat, fish, eggs, cheese) and carbohydrates (rice, bread, potatoes).

Slim with the advice of Cindy Crawford
Slim with the advice of Cindy Crawford

5. During meals, do not eat more than you would collect in the palm of your hand.

6. Eat 5 servings of fruits or vegetables every day. Fresh, frozen or dried. For example, in this order: a glass of fruit juice at breakfast, a large salad at lunch and fruit three times until the end of the day.

7. Don't limit yourself if you want to eat something tasty. As a result of the violence against your own natural desire, it grows even more.

8. Try to eat red meat no more than 3 times a week. This way you can avoid the accumulation of slag in the body. In cases where you do not eat meat, eat fish.

Slim with the advice of Cindy Crawford
Slim with the advice of Cindy Crawford

9. Eat more nuts and fewer cookies and cakes.

10. Often add soy sauce and white wine to your menu, as well as large amounts of ginger and garlic - they are excellent products for cleansing the body.

11. Eat less butter, cream and cheese.

12. Eating excessive amounts of carbohydrates automatically increases fat.

13. Instead of ice cream, eat fresh or dried fruit or pudding.
