Kukuryak - The Herb That Grows In Winter

Kukuryak - The Herb That Grows In Winter
Kukuryak - The Herb That Grows In Winter

For thousands of years, corn has been surrounded by mysterious legends. The most ancient legend tells that it was the cuckoo that grew in the winter near the barn, where Christ was born. That is why the flower is often called the rose of Christ.

There are about 20 species in the genus Cornflower. They are widespread in Western Asia, Central and Southern Europe. But most often you can find them in the Balkans. Most that are grown in gardens are hybrids. However, not all have evergreen leaves. On the contrary - most of them are not winter hardy.

In the southernmost regions, the cornflower blooms during the winter, namely from December to March. The period lasts about 40 days. The interesting thing about this herb is that the flowering process is extremely smooth to the ripening of the fruit. It is a round black seed that looks extremely decorative.

Kukuryak prefers shady and humid places, under trees and shrubs. Unlike most plants, it does not tolerate brightly lit areas well. If grown in a sunlit place, it should be watered frequently.


Among all species, the white cornflower is popular as a Christmas rose. It is a low-growing plant that blooms in winter. Most species are stemless. In the rooms the cuckoo grows well in a semi-shady place, for example in the northern rooms.

It feels great there as it gets a minimal amount of sunlight. The soil should always be moist, especially on the surface. The buckthorn blooms in white colors, which over time can acquire creamy shades.

Cornflower is popular in folk medicine. Until recently, it was used as a medicine against many diseases in both humans and pets. For medicinal recipes are used rhizomes and roots, which are removed in early spring or late autumn.

They are used to prepare remedies against diseases such as inflammation of the spinal cord, pleurisy, meningitis, tuberculosis, nervous diseases, hemorrhoids, cough, and heart disease. Cucumber roots, boiled in vinegar, are used to treat dandruff and stimulate hair growth. Any wounds are washed with the result.
