Bay Leaf - A Spice And Medicine

Bay Leaf - A Spice And Medicine
Bay Leaf - A Spice And Medicine

Bay leaves, which are also known as the spice bay leaf, have been used to decorate the heads of heroes, champions and winners since ancient times.

According to ancient Greek legend, Apollo pursued the nymph Daphne to make her his favorite. She called on the gods of Olympus to help her and they turned it into a laurel tree.

Thus the laurel tree became part of the temple of Apollo. Laurel wreaths adorned the heads of musicians, poets and athletes. The leaves of the laurel tree do not wither for a long time and the wreath of them is a guarantee for the long glory of the owner of the wreath.

In ancient Rome, the laurel wreath was an attribute of the victors in various fields. The goddess of victory Victoria was depicted with a laurel wreath in her hands.

There is a legend that if you hang laurel twigs in several places in your home, love and happiness will never leave the walls of your home.

Bay leaf
Bay leaf

There are bay leaves on many coats of arms. In Europe, bay leaf has long been considered a medicinal plant. This plant has valuable properties.

Its leaves contain essential oils, acetic and valeric acid, tannins and phytoncides. Phytoncides kill many harmful bacteria.

By chewing bay leaf, you can soothe inflammation in the oral cavity. Decoction of bay leaves stimulates the appetite and improves digestion.

Bay leaf is a great spice for soups and dishes. For the first time, however, it was used as a water supplement, which is served to wash hands before meals.

Bay leaf ennobles sauces, gives a rich aroma to fish and meat soups, as well as vegetables. Bay leaf is an invaluable spice for beef, pork and lamb dishes.

In the company of the bay leaf reveals its taste cooked and stewed fish, dishes of peas, beans and vegetables. It is indispensable in pickling cucumbers, mushrooms and tomatoes.
