How To Eat A Little And Be Full

How To Eat A Little And Be Full
How To Eat A Little And Be Full

British nutritionists believe that in order not to be hungry, we do not need to eat constantly. If we choose our food correctly, we can fight hunger without gaining extra pounds, we just have to follow certain rules.

Fruits and vegetables are recommended to be eaten at the beginning of the meal. They contain a large amount of water, cellulose and air and will not harm the figure. Apples, for example, have 25 percent air, a lot of cellulose, and when digested, the hormone GLP-1 is released, which signals the brain that the stomach is full. If we satisfy our hunger like that, then we will eat less.

It is recommended to eat when we are alone, because this way we are satisfied with less food and we do not gain extra pounds. Television is the enemy of proper nutrition. Without realizing it, we can swallow an amount of food that is absolutely unnecessary for us. Research shows that we eat 70 percent more in front of the TV or in a company.

Eat foods high in protein. These foods saturate the body better than others that contain carbohydrates and fats.

Fluids are very important. Drinking plenty of water is a must. It is good to drink tea without sugar and other drinks with a small amount of sweeteners. Fluids help fight hunger and do not accumulate excess calories.

Never overeat. Forget the morals that nothing should be left on the plate. This habit will not have a good effect on your waist. Eat only until you are full and then stop.

Interestingly, excess weight affects the feeling of satiety. In the body of obese people, the production of the saturation hormone PYY decreases. As a result, the feeling of pleasure from eating is blunted and a person rushes to fatter and sweeter food in order to be able to get pleasant sensations when eating.

Man is born with innate biological signals that control the process of satiety. Their sensitivity decreases when they reach the age of three. Most often, this is contributed by parents who follow the rule that everything on the plate must be eaten.
