Karkade - The Drink Of The Gods

Karkade - The Drink Of The Gods
Karkade - The Drink Of The Gods

In recent years, the karkade drink has become more and more popular. This is a drink with excellent taste, which we more often call "red tea".

Hibiscus is extracted from the hibiscus flower. There are other names: Sudanese rose or red sorrel.

Karkade works great during the hot summer months. The sweet and sour taste refreshes wonderfully, quenches thirst.

Hibiscus is grown in almost all tropical countries: China, Mexico, Thailand, Sudan, Egypt. The Egyptian karkade is considered the best.

Not only tea is made from hibiscus. It is also involved in the ingredients of jelly, syrups, cakes, puddings, ice cream. Hibiscus petals are also used in salads and wine.

There is even a variety of hibiscus, the fibers of which are used to make packaging, bags, tablecloths and carpets. Paper and cardboard are extracted from the stem. And from the seeds - drinks and coffee.

Rarely in nature is there a plant that is so useful to man. Red tea is appreciated by lovers of a healthy lifestyle with its many beneficial properties.

Karkade has unique functions: the drink in the cooled state lowers blood pressure, and in the hot state - raises it.

In addition, tea has a beneficial effect on the liver, gastrointestinal tract, nervous system. Karkade also has an antispasmodic and diuretic effect, cleanses the body of alcohol intoxication, in other words - a hangover. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels and regulates their permeability.

Since ancient times, tea has been called the "drink of the gods" because the pharaohs and Egyptian priests preferred it.
