How To Remove The Belly

How To Remove The Belly
How To Remove The Belly

Many people think that if they grab their belly and feel two inches of fat between their fingers, they should immediately go on a strict diet.

But the fat that is under the skin is harmless. Much more serious problems arise because of the fat that surrounds vital organs such as the intestines and liver.

The danger to health comes not from the fact that you have accumulated fat in the body, but from where they are located.

There is an easy way to find out if you need to remove fat from your belly without undergoing expensive procedures. Calculate the ratio of waist to hips.

Divide the waist circumference at its narrowest point by the hip circumference at its widest point. If you have a waist of 68.5 centimeters and your hips are 98 centimeters, you will receive a factor of 0.7.

At odds above 0.80 for women and above 0.95 for men, you need to lower your abdomen. Fighting excess belly fat is quite difficult and time consuming.

Men and women lose weight differently. A man and a woman who are the same height and eat the same way and have the same physical activity will lose weight at different rates. The man will sink faster.

How to remove the belly
How to remove the belly

If you want to lose weight, change your diet. It has been proven that women emphasize cakes, chocolate and other sweet temptations, and men emphasize salty fatty foods - french fries, smoked meats, sausages.

Do not look for excuses - that gaining weight is genetically determined and that with age it is normal for a person to gain weight. It's never too late to say goodbye to a big belly.

To lose weight, you need to get rid of excess fat. Focus on low-fat foods, fruits, vegetables, and fiber-rich foods such as brown rice, whole grain breads, and other slow-release carbohydrates.

Exercise regularly. Squats provide good tone to the abdominal muscles. To remove fat around the organs, you need to tighten the muscles of your whole body.

It is recommended to run, ride a bike and swim - these are sports that increase oxygen exchange. Walk more and forget about the elevator - this will help you get rid of excess fat.
