How To Make Citrus Chips

How To Make Citrus Chips
How To Make Citrus Chips

Citrus chips are used as a spice and as a Christmas decoration that spreads its magical aroma throughout the room. Citrus chips are also added to many teas, mostly to give them a winter flavor.

You can easily make your own citrus chips. You need two oranges and a lemon, as well as a large pan. You can use grapefruit and lime.

Preheat the oven to one hundred degrees. While waiting for the oven to heat up, wash the fruit well using a brush, as their skin is often treated with harmful substances to make the fruit more durable.

Cut the fruit into thin circles without removing the skin. Lay the baking paper on the baking tray and arrange the sliced fruit on it.

Put the fruit in the preheated oven. Be patient, as the fruit should not be baked, but dried for about four hours.

Turn the pan every hour, as most ovens do not heat evenly. This will ensure even drying of the fruit slices.

After four hours, remove the fruit from the paper and arrange them again in a tray, this time without baking paper. Turn off the oven and place the pan in it. Once the oven has cooled completely, the chips are ready.

You can add citrus chips in winter alcoholic cocktails, in dishes with stewed meat, and finely chopped, you can add them to spices for cakes.

Citrus chips are stored in a dry and dark place. It is best to store citrus chips in an airtight jar. If you dry them well, they can be stored for a very long time.

But it is still good to use them while they are fresh. If they stay more than a year, use them as a decoration and aromatization of the room, refreshing their aroma with a drop of orange oil.
