They Released A Beer With Viagra

They Released A Beer With Viagra
They Released A Beer With Viagra

A British company made the first beer with added Viagra. The new drink, which guarantees every man that he will deal with the problems in the bedroom, is already on sale.

You need to drink three bottles to get the concentration of one of the pills that increase male libido. But a bottle works wonders.

The beer is called Royal Virility Performance, which translates as royal potency. It was produced in honor of the wedding of Prince William. The beer contains additional aphrodisiacs such as special types of plants and chocolate.

Inspirational phrases such as “Get up, Prince Willie! Prince Willie!” Are written on the label of the beer bottle. "And" Do it in the style of the great Willie."

The manufacturers sent several bottles to Prince William for his wedding night. It is not clear whether the prince accepted this interesting gift at all.


Initially, the manufacturer launched only forty bottles, which were sold on April 29 and the proceeds went to the charity, which is supported by Britain's Prince William.

However, buyers were not allowed to buy more than one bottle of Viagra beer, as the drink had a powerful effect on the male body.

As the success of the new drink with additives that improve communication with the fairer sex is guaranteed, the producers will start production not only within the country, but also for export.

At the same time, a new type of Viagra came on the market - the pill is not swallowed, but chewed like chewing gum. For now, this version of the blue pill is sold only in Mexico, but will soon be available in other countries.
