Health Benefits Of Chestnuts

Health Benefits Of Chestnuts
Health Benefits Of Chestnuts

Chestnuts are extremely useful, tasty and suitable for the winter season. Then the immune system is quite weakened, and chestnuts, thanks to the minerals and vitamins they contain, are a good choice for overcoming fatigue, for strengthening memory, for treating even painful and heavy menstruation and hemorrhoids.

In Japan and China, they are one of the most widely used crops, much more so than potatoes and all other types of nuts. In contrast, chestnuts have twice as much starch, in addition, they are extremely rich in phosphorus, potassium, vitamin C, B1, B2, A and others. They are quite high in calories due to the large amount of carbohydrates they contain, but they are low in fat and high in fiber compared to other types of nuts.

There are several types of chestnuts, which differ considerably in taste, but have almost the same amount of nutrients. They contain a large amount of mineral salts, which makes them very useful, but in addition to the chestnut fruit, there are also benefits from the tree, leaves and flowers of chestnut. There are many recipes in folk medicine that are useful to many of us, which contain chestnuts and can relieve various types of pain.

Leaves, seeds, flowers - can be used for health benefits and are a great cure for many diseases - leg pain, swollen ankles and last but not least overweight problems. Thanks to the ingredient aexin, chestnut can help you lose weight.

Aexin may be helpful in retaining water in the body. Due to the amount of lecithin they contain, chestnuts help to overcome stress.

They are a great choice for people who expend physical energy and are recommended for gastrointestinal disorders. If you suffer from varicose veins, you can also turn to chestnuts for help - they strengthen the walls of venous vessels.
