Quinoa - The Wealth Of The Incas

Quinoa - The Wealth Of The Incas
Quinoa - The Wealth Of The Incas

There is no doubt that quinoa played a major role in the great Inca civilization. It is believed to have been considered a sacred plant. It was included in religious holidays, and the first furrow for planting was made with a special gold object at the beginning of each sowing season.

The chief was the first to throw the beans, which had been stored again in a golden vessel. When settling in a new place, the Incas first planted seeds from quinoabecause they were considered the ancestors of the city.

Historians attribute part of the success of the Inca Empire to their ability to feed not only themselves but also the conquered tribes. Through wise cultivation, proper storage and proper distribution of food composed mainly of quinoa, the Incas were able to maintain their empire. The other important foods on their menu were potatoes and corn.

Quinoa is an annual edible plant with broad leaves. It is often defined as a cereal, but is also related to spinach, beets and quinoa. Its leaves and seeds are consumed.

Recipes with quinoa
Recipes with quinoa

Quinoa also called the "gold of the Incas" and the "queen of cereals." It was not accidentally chosen by the ancient civilization to be sacred. In addition to keeping them alive, even in times of famine for other peoples, quinoa also provides many benefits to the consumer's body.

This is due to the high content of essential amino acids, high protein balance and lack of gluten. This plant provides all the nutrients a person needs for proper, balanced and healthy nutrition.

Even if one stopped eating animal meat, as the Incas sometimes had to do due to shortages, quinoa appeared to be an unusually complete source of quality protein, containing all the essential amino acids.

Even wheat and rice cannot be measured with it, as they do not contain all the necessary components. Another plus is the fiber content. Today it has been proven how important they are for the proper and smooth functioning of our intestines. Phosphorus, iron, magnesium - other important elements contained in quinoa.
