Reduce The Calories In Rice With Coconut Oil

Reduce The Calories In Rice With Coconut Oil
Reduce The Calories In Rice With Coconut Oil

Rice is among the high-calorie carbohydrate foods. It is one of the most widespread cultures in the world and is present as a major element in a number of national cuisines. Given its widespread use, a student at the College of Chemical Sciences in Sri Lanka and his mentor have found a way to reduce his calories while adding some health benefits.

Today, about 90% of the world's rice production is consumed in Asia. The small white berries are present on the table of Asians in every meal. Housewives around the world love rice because of its low price and wide choice of cooking methods. It can be boiled, fried and stewed. It goes well with almost everything and always becomes incredibly tasty.

Like other starch-rich products, white rice is not one of the most useful products. One cup contains 200 calories, which for the most part are converted into fat. Consumption of white rice is presumably associated with an increased risk of diabetes.

It is for these reasons that a student from Sri Lanka set out to find a way to prepare rice to reduce its caloric value. He discovered that truly amazing results could be achieved in a simple chemical way. In practice, when the water boils, a few drops of coconut oil should be added before the rice is added. The raw white beans are then boiled and stored in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Preliminary research shows that not all starches that enter the body from food are the same. Some of them are easily digested and processed quickly by the body. They are converted to glucose and then to glycogen. However, others are called resistant and take longer to process. And in the end they do not turn into glycogen.

Coconut oil
Coconut oil

For example, harmful types of starch are found in potatoes. When the levels of digestible starch decrease, so do the calories. This is the idea of making rice with coconut oil. In addition to halving calories, coconut oil has many benefits to rice.

Scientists are adamant that heating and cooling certain vegetables such as sweet potatoes and peas also changes the size of resistant starches. This reduces calories by more than half.
