Coconut Oil For Weight Loss

Coconut Oil For Weight Loss
Coconut Oil For Weight Loss

The coconut diet is divided into four phases. The creators of this diet believe that coconut fat reacts differently to metabolism, unlike other fats. According to them, coconut fat is not stored in the body, but is immediately converted into pure energy.

In addition, coconut oil improves metabolism, improves thyroid function, successfully copes with various digestive problems.

The coconut oil diet is mainly based on the fact that in areas where coconut oil consumption is high, there are very rarely problems with obesity. In addition, the local population began to suffer from chronic diseases common in the West. Here are the phases of the diet with coconut oil:

1. The first phase lasts 21 days and includes vegetables and lean meats. Do not eat fruits, sweets and cereals, in addition, during these three weeks you should have three main meals. 1-2 snacks are allowed between them. In these 21 days you can lose 5 or more pounds.

Coconut oil
Coconut oil

2. The second phase is purification - during this period you should consume various vegetable drinks, which aim to cleanse the internal organs.

3. The third phase allows the regime to include a limited amount of starch, as well as several types of fruits and cereals.

4. The last fourth phase is a maintenance regimen - its goal is to be able to maintain your weight. The list of allowed foods is growing, but there are still things that should not be consumed. These are alcohol, several types of fruit and sweet foods.

During these 4 phases it is recommended to consume clean coconut oil - preferably about 3 tablespoons a day, and you can add it to sauces and dressings, as well as shakes. Here is a possible sample menu:

- For breakfast, eat eggs with bacon, vegetables with a small amount of coconut oil. You can also add coconut milk. You can eat coconut before lunch. Lunch menu to include tomato salad, green leafy vegetables. Afternoon breakfast allows a piece of goat cheese and a little celery, and for dinner eat fish with brown rice for garnish and a salad with coconut oil.


- When the second stage of the diet occurs, you should replace these two snacks with blueberry juice diluted with an equal amount of water or celery and apple shakes.

- The third phase allows you to add to your lunch menu and some buckwheat. You can also replace the eggs from breakfast with a healthy porridge that you boiled in water.

- To have an effect, the coconut regime should be combined with exercises - their duration should be at least 15 minutes and it is good to practice them daily.

The good thing about this diet is that you will eat products from all food groups. But like anything, this diet has a downside. Coconut diet includes a low-calorie menu, which can naturally lead to a feeling of weakness. In addition, most of the products are not very easy to find and have higher prices.

If you can't do it because you don't feel well or just don't have the opportunity, you better not start it. It is also important to emphasize that the diet with coconut oil is not recommended for people suffering from kidney or liver disease.
