2025 Author: Jasmine Walkman | walkman@healthierculinary.com. Last modified: 2025-01-23 10:18
Bob Mung or papuda is the seed of the plant Vigna radiata. It belongs to the legume family / Fabaceae /. In France it is called fèves germées, in Greece - rovitsa (ροβίτσα), and in Turkey - mash filizi. It grows in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia, Cambodia, China, the Philippines, Thailand and others. It is grown most successfully in areas characterized by humid and hot weather. The name of this type of bean comes from the word mudga, which translates from Sanskrit as spraying rays. The small shiny balls of beans certainly reflect the sun. They are greenish and resemble peas. If peeled, a yellow core is visible.
History of mung beans
Bob Mung has an ancient history. It began to be cultivated many centuries ago by the Indians, who gave it the name mung. The roots of this culture are mostly found in the lands where India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are located. There his prototype is found in the wild. For this reason, mung beans have become traditional for local cuisine. Curiously, during archeological excavations in these areas, charred beans were discovered a long time ago.
It is believed that about 4000 years ago it was already used for food by the population. It is also believed to have been a cultivated plant about 3,500 years ago. Gradually, the cultivated bean spread from India to China, as well as to other countries in Southeast Asia. According to research, mung beans were brought to Thailand about 2,200 years ago.
Composition of mung beans
Bob Mung it contains many useful substances. These green beans contain minerals such as manganese, magnesium, iron, zinc and selenium. They are a source of carbohydrates, fiber, fat and protein. They are rich in vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin C and vitamin E.

Storage of mung beans
Mung beans do not require any special care during storage. Like most foods, it should also be kept in a dry, cool and dark place.
Cooking mung beans
Mung beans are one of the widely used and valued crops in Eastern cuisine. It has a light nutty taste. It can be used in various stews, purees, soups or as a side dish to meat dishes. It combines very well with seafood. It is flavored with aromatic oriental spices such as ginger, turmeric, curry, sumac, allspice and more. But you can also taste it according to your own preferences. In Eastern cuisine, this type of bean is combined with mostly basmati rice.
It is often eaten with vegetables. It is interesting that it is used to make a kind of pancakes. For this purpose, the green beans are soaked for some time (between 9 and 12 hours), after which they are strained. The resulting puree is mixed with spices of your choice and a small amount of it is spread on a hot pan until a pancake is obtained. Bob Mung also used to make sweet porridge with coconut milk. In China, it is used to make bean sprouts. In this situation, the beans are washed well and soaked in water for 24 hours.
Then they are washed and placed in a jar, which should be covered with a towel. The jar is kept in a dark and cool place for several days until the sprouts are formed. During this time, the berries should be washed twice a day. When the sprouts are ready, they can be placed directly in the salad or stored for a short time in the refrigerator. If you want to boil the beans, know that it does not need pre-soaking. It is enough to wash it, clean it and put it on the fire for about an hour and a half.
Now we offer you an idea for a fresh salad with bean mungwhich will recharge you with new strength.

Ingredients: 1 tea cup of mung bean sprouts, 2 teaspoons of spinach, 2 tomatoes, 50 g of cheese, 3 tablespoons of corn, 1 stalk of dill, 2 cloves of garlic, lemon juice, ginger, curry, soy sauce.
Preparation: Wash and chop the spinach, tomatoes and dill. Put them in a bowl and add the sprouts and corn. Season with spices and stir. Grate the cheese on top. The salad can be used as a side dish to roast chicken or beef steaks.
Benefits of mung beans
Because of its rich composition bean mung is a super food. One of its valuable qualities and the reason it is preferred over other types of beans is that it is easily digested by the digestive tract without forming gases. In Indian folk medicine it is recommended as a food suitable for any body type according to Ayurveda (Vata, Vata-Pitta, Vata-Kafa, Pitta, Pitta-Vata, Pitta-Kafa, Kafa, Kafa-Vata, Kafa-Pitta, Vata-Pitta -Coffee). Mung beans are especially suitable for people who have given up meat for two reasons.
It contains a significant amount of protein and amino acids, so it should not be underestimated by vegetarians. The other positive quality of mung beans (and more specifically organic mung beans) is that they can be consumed without having to undergo heat treatment, so they can be safely eaten by raw foodists. For this purpose, it is simply allowed to germinate.
Advantage of bean mung is that it does not contain gluten. Therefore, it can also be taken by people with gluten intolerance. We remind you that the number of people diagnosed with celiac disease is increasing.
Bob Adzuki

The Azuki Bean / Azuki bean /, also known as red Asian beans, is an extremely tasty member of the legume family. In Japan, he is even called the king of legumes. Azuki is a major crop in China and Japan that is harvested in November and December.

Beans are the common name for a group of legumes. It is known by the name beans . Legumes play a significant role in human history. They were the first culture to evolve when hunters and nomadic tribes began to cultivate the land and develop agricultural systems.
Thin Bob

Thin bean (tonka beans) is the name of an interesting plant from the tropical jungle, whose pods are used as a spice. In our country, thin beans are not very popular and are relatively rarely used in the preparation of various specialties, mainly cakes and chocolate delicacies.
Cooking Mung Beans

Bob Mung is a traditional East Asian legume. It is characterized by a light nutty taste. It can be consumed alone, but also added to various dishes - soups, stews, purees, or used as a side dish. It goes well with seafood or basmati rice. You can season it with ginger, turmeric, curry, sumac, but also with spices to taste.
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