Proven Diets For Weight Loss

Video: Proven Diets For Weight Loss

Video: Proven Diets For Weight Loss
Video: A Secret to Weight Loss as Presented by a Nutritional Expert. 2024, September
Proven Diets For Weight Loss
Proven Diets For Weight Loss

Among the most effective and tested diets is the Madonna diet. With this diet, the singer always keeps in good shape. The diet is simple, but must be strictly followed.

Two lists are made. The products from one list can be consumed, the products from the other list are strictly forbidden. Food is chewed very well and eaten only when you feel hungry.

The products that can be consumed are brown rice, vegetables, fruits, sesame, seaweed, soybean noodle soup. Prohibited products are meat, milk, eggs, sugar, coffee, alcohol.

One of the most effective diets is chocolate. This is a monodiet and cannot last more than seven days in a row. This diet is very strict. Only water, coffee without sugar and natural chocolate can be consumed.

Proven diets for weight loss
Proven diets for weight loss

Natural chocolate contains less sugar than milk chocolate. Natural chocolate sugar helps the heart work better, improves mood and brain activity.

The diet provides for the consumption of no more than 100 grams of natural chocolate per day. Between 3 and 6 kilograms are melted in one week. It is contraindicated for people with heart disease.

The yogurt diet is also effective. It is good not only for weight loss, but also for cleansing the body of toxins and improving the intestinal microflora.

This diet is also very strict. No more than 2 cups of yogurt and 1 kg of fruit are consumed per day. The diet is followed for no more than six days, losing about 4 pounds.

The buckwheat diet is only for people with a strong will. The good thing about the diet is that you can consume an unlimited amount of cooked buckwheat without spices and without salt.

Buckwheat cleanses the body. It can be consumed with 1 liter of kefir daily and mineral water. The buckwheat diet is followed for a week, you can lose about 6 pounds.

The diet of the ten products allows the consumption of certain ten products, and the total amount of food per day should not exceed 2 kilograms.

This diet melts the extra pounds slowly but effectively - one kilogram per week. Allowed products are chicken fillet, yogurt, cabbage, eggs, apples, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, mushrooms.
