Chocolate And Wine Protect Us From Type 2 Diabetes

Chocolate And Wine Protect Us From Type 2 Diabetes
Chocolate And Wine Protect Us From Type 2 Diabetes

The flavonoids found in chocolate, tea, wine and some fruits, which are antioxidants, are defined as blood sugar regulators. This shows a new study conducted in the UK.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. It is due to insulin resistance. This means that the body is unable to use insulin properly, leading to deviations in blood sugar levels.

The team found that increased intake of the above products reduces insulin resistance and regulates blood glucose levels.

The results are based on a study of 1997 female volunteers aged 18-76. All of them had to fill in a questionnaire about the foods they consume in their daily lives. The researchers analyzed the data, estimating the total amount of flavonoids taken with food by each participant.

It turned out that women who consume foods rich in antioxidants (flavonoids) and anthocyanins (pigments with a color spectrum red-blue-black, in some fruits and vegetables) - fruits, herbs, red grapes, chocolate, wine show lower insulin resistance.


And those who consume the most anthocyanins are least likely to develop chronic inflammatory processes, often associated with conditions of diabetes, obesity, malignancies, and cardiovascular disease.

It has also been found that there are improved levels of a protein - adiponectin, which is thought to be a regulator of glucose.

Experts recommend eating dark chocolate, which contains more cocoa, and hence high levels of antioxidants. In the end, it became clear that the consumption of 50 mg of flavonoids lowers blood pressure, improves blood flow and helps maintain the cardiovascular system.

And if your daily menu contains dark chocolate, plenty of fruits and vegetables, a number of diseases will be prevented, including type 2 diabetes.
