Health Benefits Of Tef

Health Benefits Of Tef
Health Benefits Of Tef

Tef has the consistency and shape of poppy seeds and is delicious grain product. You can buy teff in different colors - from white, red to dark brown, and this African cereal tastes similar to hazelnuts.

Teff grows mainly in Ethiopia and is very resistant to bad weather. It is prepared quickly and easily and is included in countless recipes for biscuits, pancakes, pasta and more.

But not only that, it makes it a good choice for our diet. The nutritional composition of tef is impressive - cereals are extremely rich in calcium, thus outperforming other cereals. And calcium prevents weight gain and stimulates fat burning, as well as relaxes muscles and strengthens the skeleton.

In teff are contained more vitamin B1 (supports the nervous and cardiovascular system), barium (strengthens the immune system), phosphorus (improves digestion), iron, copper (has anti-inflammatory properties) and ascorbic acid (vitamin C), which is not usually found in cereals. Teff is a very valuable source of iron, because it is quickly and easily absorbed by the body and prevents the appearance of anemia.

A lot valuable quality of tef is that it is a gluten-free food. This makes it an excellent choice for supporters of a gluten-free diet and especially for people with celiac disease.

Another very important ingredient in teff is the presence of fiber, which stabilizes blood sugar levels. For this reason, it is very useful for use by diabetics, as well as as a prevention of obesity, and participates in the regulation of intestinal peristalsis. Thus, a person feels full for a longer time without heaviness and abdominal pain.

IN the composition of tef it also has protein, even in excess of wheat, and it has an excellent amino acid composition, containing little fat.

IN tef It also contains sodium, which is important for maintaining blood pressure and a healthy heart. It is recommended to take it untreated, as it will be devoid of added preservatives.

Teff is a universal grain product, of course, distinguished from others by the lack of gluten and the presence of large amounts of calcium and vitamin C. It is an excellent superfood that can be prepared stewed, baked or cooked. You can prepare all kinds of delicacies from teff, as long as you let your imagination run wild.
