

Polyphenols is a large family of important antioxidants that protect DNA and cell membranes, preventing mutations that lead to cancer.

The word "phenol" itself is indicative of a particular chemical formula - the phenols themselves are slightly acidic and form a crystalline structure at room temperature. "Poly" means a lot, ie. polyphenols are groups of many phenols put together.

The main positive role of polyphenols is their beneficial effect on free radicals, limiting the harmful effects of oxidative stress. Very often these free radicals are formed under the influence of various external factors - pesticides, drugs, heavy metals, ultraviolet rays and many others. These free radicals have the property of causing chain oxidation reactions that take place in the cell wall. This is called oxidative stress.

Free radicals are thought to significantly increase the risk of developing cancer or cardiovascular disease. Polyphenols help the body cope more easily with oxidative stress.

Healthy eating
Healthy eating

There are thousands of species polyphenols, but one of the most studied is resveratrol, which is contained in red wine. Flavonoids also belong to polyphenols, and this class of antioxidants includes a number of subclasses - flavones, flavonols, isoflavones, anthocyanins, flavonones, proanthocyanidins.

Benefits of polyphenols

Polyphenols have a very good anti-inflammatory effect. Inflammation is the cause of many disease changes in the body. Studies show that a diet rich in polyphenols, helps to reduce the risk of inflammatory processes and to limit the damage from various types of inflammation.

Polyphenols protect against cardiovascular disease by increasing the so-called. good cholesterol and at the same time reduce fat in blood vessels and fight inflammation.


Polyphenols have anti-cancer properties, limiting the action of free radicals. The positive effect of flavonols is observed in relation to heart and kidney diseases. They stimulate the production of nitric oxide and have a relaxing effect on the smooth muscle fibers of blood vessels. Daily intake of flavonols is associated with lowering blood pressure.

The polyphenols in green tea improve oral hygiene. Some chemicals block the formation of dental plaque, which causes periodontal disease.

The polyphenols in berries help the brain perform important supporting functions. Fruits with red, blue and dark orange pigments can reverse the process of loss of mental abilities. Polyphenols in berries help specific cells called microglia to cleanse toxic proteins that are linked to memory loss. As you age, the microglia work worse and more waste accumulates. Polyphenols help them perform their functions better.

Sources of polyphenols

Forest fruits
Forest fruits

Rich sources of polyphenols are red wine and red grapes, raisins, blueberries, legumes, cabbage, onions, tea, celery, walnuts. Coffee is one of the best sources of polyphenols. It helps preserve youth, not only thanks to polyphenols, but also to the combination with caffeine and other nutrients. Green polyphenols have the most polyphenols.

In the process of roasting coffee beans, melanoids are obtained - substances that also have a good protective effect on the body. Scientists believe that coffee contains a number of other antioxidants that have not yet been identified.

In general, fruits and vegetables are the best sources of polyphenols. Cooking in most cases does not lead to the destruction of polyphenolic compounds, but the extremely high temperatures, which are widely used in the food industry, practically destroy the useful qualities.

Deficiency of polyphenols

As it turned out, polyphenols are a good source of protection against aging, cancer, heart problems. The poor of polyphenols diet is not good for health and exposes the body to the dangerous effects of free radicals.
