How To Know A Good Avocado And How To Store It

How To Know A Good Avocado And How To Store It
How To Know A Good Avocado And How To Store It

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Avocados are rich in monounsaturated acids, which help you fight fat in the torso, which in turn creates a risk of cardiovascular disease.

In addition, avocados are high in potassium, magnesium, folic acid, protein, vitamins B6, K and E. The recommended amount is no more than half an avocado per day.

Unlike other fruits and vegetables, avocados need to have a more unsightly and stagnant appearance to mean they are really good.

The nice, firm, firm and green fruits are unripe and there is no point in buying them.

The avocado should be soft to light pressure and darker in color.

nice avocado
nice avocado

There is another trick. Just look at the stalk of the fruit - it should be dry and when you remove it, the bottom under it should be brighter and fresher. If it is brown and generally dark in color, then this fruit has stayed longer than necessary and you do not need it.

How to store avocados?

Allow the hard avocado to ripen at room temperature, then you can store it for up to 1 week in the refrigerator. If the fruit is very hard, let it ripen for a few days.

The optimum storage temperature is about 10 degrees. Once cut, the avocado turns black quickly. If you want to keep it, spray its surface with lemon juice, pack it tightly and put it in the refrigerator.
