Cretan Diet

Cretan Diet
Cretan Diet

So many diets and each one promises us better results and more weight loss. Some of them include more protein, others aim to make us give up meat and pasta, and others frankly doom us to hunger.

Most women are obsessed with diet and restriction with the idea that the thinner look better. According to experts, most of the diets that women follow are not only a bad idea, they destroy our body. The very large limit brings us subsequently twice as many kilograms, the so-called yo-yo effect.

Healthy eating
Healthy eating

But there are also diets or diets, whose dietary recommendations are approved by nutritionists. Of course, there will always be disagreements on this issue, but most experts believe that the Cretan diet or rather the Cretan rules of eating are most useful.

In fact the Cretan diet it is not a diet in the literal sense of the word. These are the rules of nutrition - how to eat, what to eat more and what less. This regimen is more for the purpose of being healthy than for losing weight.

Pasta and vegetables
Pasta and vegetables

A study found that the least people suffering from cardiovascular and cancer diseases are those from the Mediterranean, mainly on the island of Crete. The reason lies in what they eat there and especially in the way they are consumed.

The inhabitants of the island follow the three rules for proper nutrition. Nutritionists, despite their differences on various topics, agree that these three rules are the most important for us when it comes to food.

Cretan diet
Cretan diet

The first rule includes eating regularly and in reasonable quantities - the inhabitants of the island eat three times a day at certain times. In addition, they have a habit of being calm and eating food without sitting in a hurry when they sit at the table.

The second rule is to eat mostly vegetable fats - the people of Crete eat enough calories every day, but are careful not to overdo the amount of food and calories. It is also good to eat more raw vegetables and fruits, as well as legumes.

According to the third rule, eating meat and meat products should be limited as much as possible - too much meat means too many saturated calories. They are also called "bad" because they cause blood vessels to close and interfere with the normal functioning of the body.

Nutritionists add to these three basic rules and drinking 1 to 2 glasses of red wine a day. It will slow down the aging of the body's cells.
