This Is The Most Expensive Soup In The World! It Costs More Than One Cow

This Is The Most Expensive Soup In The World! It Costs More Than One Cow
This Is The Most Expensive Soup In The World! It Costs More Than One Cow

The Chinese restaurant in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, became a worldwide hit with the sale of the most expensive soup of noodles and beef, which is priced at 13,800 yuan ($ 2,014).

Surprisingly expensive soup Haozhonghao Beef Noodle Soupsold at Niu Gengtian Restaurant in Shijiazhuang has enjoyed a lot of attention from Chinese social media after an online photo of the menu appeared showing its surprising price. So far, a bowl from the second most expensive in the world beef soup and noodlessold by Niu Ba Ba restaurant in Taiwan costs "only" $ 329. Under this condition, it is easy to see why the new soup, costing 13,800 yuan ($ 2,014), has become a sensation.

And what makes Haozhonghao soup so expensive?

Hard to say. Local media visited the restaurant and asked the restaurant owner, Mr. Yang, the same question: What exactly does the soup contain to make the price so high?, but have not received any significant information. The owner explained that the delicacy soup is made from 12 very expensive ingredients - four from the "sky", four from the "earth" and four from the "sea", but without going into more detail about them. He also mentioned that the preparation of the soup requires 12 cooks and it must be ordered one month in advance so that all the necessary ingredients for its preparation can be delivered.

The most expensive soup in the world of beef and noodles
The most expensive soup in the world of beef and noodles


Haozhonghao soup was added to the restaurant's menu six months ago, and Mr. Yang said he has since sold four servings of it to wealthy businessmen. In response to accusations that he was deceiving his customers with the price, the manager explained that the price of the ingredients and the preparation process was so high that he did not actually make any profit from the actual sale of the soup.

Initially, most people who saw the photo on the menu and the price of 13,800 yuan thought it was a joke or just a typo, but Sin Chew Daily and other local media who visited the restaurant later confirmed that the price was real.

In this line of thinking, Chinese Internet users joke that portion noodle soup and beef is more expensive than whole cowwhile others accuse the restaurant owner of using it as a trick for free advertising. There have even been reports to the Pricing Bureau in Shijiazhuang about the extremely high price of the soup, but officials have said that as long as the price is clearly stated to customers, there is nothing illegal about it, so the bureau has no right to intervene.

So, if you have an extra $ 2,014 to spend on soup, go to the Chinese city of Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province. Just remember to order it a month in advance, so plan your lunch or dinner at least a month in advance.
