What Is Honeydew And How To Prepare It?

What Is Honeydew And How To Prepare It?
What Is Honeydew And How To Prepare It?

The condensed fruit juice without added sugar we call jam, and somewhere a squeegee or putty.

The unique sweet temptation, invariably prepared in the past in our country, has the consistency of honey, but is made from fruits that are rich in sugar. Grapes, sugar beets, watermelons, plums are suitable products from which to boil the honey.

Juice is obtained by squeezing the fruit or after boiling and pressing them.

It does not contain preservatives, artificial enhancers, flavors and thickeners, which makes it a completely clean, environmentally friendly and natural product. Pieces of fruits or vegetables can be added to the juice, which gives different nuances to the taste of the finished product.

Honey preparation technology


The fruit of which the jam will be made, is prepared and pressed to squeeze the juice. The liquid is poured into a large pot or wide pan, preheated on the fire.

Boil, stirring constantly, until thickened. The resulting product has the consistency of liquid honey.

If desired, pieces of fruit are added, and about 15 kg of fruit are added to 15 kg of ready-made honeydew. The addition of fruit occurs when the juice is half compressed.

The taste can be improved by adding lightly toasted walnuts or almonds. The honey is poured into the storage containers after it has cooled completely so that the fruit can be well watered.

Grape jam with apples

Necessary products:

Preparation of honeydew
Preparation of honeydew

12 liters of grape juice

2 kilograms of apples

A few indrishe leaves or 6-7 cloves for flavor

About 300 grams of sifted ash

Lime solution of 5 liters of water and 150 grams of slaked lime

Important moments when cooking honeydew

The must of the grapes is crossed with the sifted ash or the same amount of white soil and after it is clarified, it is poured and placed in the cooking vessel.

The sliced apples stay in the boiled water for 1-2 hours, wash well and then add to the semi-thickened juice. If the fruit to be added is quince, the pieces stand in the returned water for no more than an hour so as not to harden too much.

All the processes of preparation of this sweet once delicacy are made by hand, are not subject to mechanization and this makes all the work around the preparation of honeydew very laborious. However, the result is worth it.

Consumption of honey

The jam is suitable for direct use. It can be spread on a slice, on muffins, rolls, cookies and all kinds of pasta. Boiled pumpkin with jam is a dish prepared for big holidays. Pastries, homemade cakes and muffins get a new taste with this unique homemade jam.
