

Willow / Salix / is a genus of trees or larger shrubs that grow mostly in areas with high humidity. The plants of the species reach a height of up to thirty meters, and in older representatives their diameter can amount to 1.5 meters. Willow leaves are quite elongated, silvery.

The flowers of the plant are especially attractive to wasps, bees and other insects because of their pleasant aroma and sweet juice. They are gathered in tassels. The fruit of the respective tree or shrub plant is a small box.

Willow seeds are small, with delicate hairs. At first they are in the box, but then it cracks and the wind blows them everywhere. As soon as they find themselves in a wetter place, they start.

Willow grows in areas of streams, swamps, lakes and other bodies of water. It can also be seen in mountainous areas. It reproduces very quickly and lives up to a hundred years. Over time, the mature trees become home to various rodents and birds.

Types of willow

According to experts, more than fifteen can grow in our country type of willow. Among them the most popular is Salix alba or the so-called White Willow, known for its proven healing properties over the centuries. White willow grows in many countries in Europe, Asia and North Africa. It develops successfully at altitudes up to 1600 meters.

Mature trees reach a height of 25 meters. It is moisture-loving and cold-resistant, which allows it to survive even in the cold winters in our country. The name of the species is associated with the whitish color of its leaves, which can be compared to white. The flowers are clustered in cylindrical fringes.

The weeping willow Salix babylonica is also popular in Bulgaria, which is cultivated not only in Bulgaria, but also in Southern Europe, China, India and Japan. It is about fifteen meters high and has a beautiful crown, thin, drooping to the ground twigs, painted green. Sometimes young twigs can also turn red. The petals of this extremely beautiful species are gray-green. The weeping willow blooms in spring. Due to its impressive crown, it is often preferred in landscaping gardens, parks and more.

Willow / Salix
Willow / Salix

Among the willows found in Bulgaria is the gray willow / Salix cinerea /, which is more reminiscent of a bush. It is found in Europe, northern parts of Africa and western Asia. It grows successfully at altitudes up to 1600 meters. Adults reach a height of fifteen meters.

The genus Willow also includes the fragile willow / Salix fragilis /. The tree species grows in Europe, central and western parts of Asia. It prefers to grow in riparian places, up to 1500 meters above sea level. The height of the large trees is about twenty meters.

Composition of willow

The composition of white willow has been relatively well studied by specialists. The bark of the plant is a source of the glycoside salicin - from 5 to 7%. It, in turn, after entering the body and under the influence of the enzyme salicase of saligenin is then oxidized to salicylic acid. The plant also contains flavonoids and condensed tannins (5 to 10%), which have astringent and healing properties.

Willow collection

White willow bark is mostly used to treat various diseases. It is collected during the spring months, when there is an active sap movement in the tree. Then it separates relatively easily.

Young saplings aged two to four years are selected. The separated bark can be dried in the shade or in ventilated warehouses. Then it is chopped into pieces. It may break. The crushed bark is used for various infusions, lotions, tinctures and more.

Benefits of willow

The healing effect of white willow is known in folk medicine since antiquity. It is a curious fact that salicylic acid was obtained from it for the first time. The bark of the plant has been an effective cure for a number of unpleasant health conditions due to its anti-traumatic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, hemostatic and diuretic effects.

That is why it is used in acute and chronic bronchitis, gallstone disease, gout. It is used in bacterial and parasitic diseases and successfully frees the body from worms.

It is also used for bleeding wounds, sputum and blood flowing from the nose. Willow bark supports the digestive system, so it can help eliminate stomach acids. It is also effective in chronic diarrhea, dyspepsia, dysentery.

Relieves inflammatory processes and helps with arthritis. It has a positive effect on inflammation of the eyes, inflamed gums. It is applied externally for skin problems - eczema, pimples, irritations, burns, dandruff.

Folk medicine with willow

Willow decoction
Willow decoction

In folk medicine there are a lot of healing applications of white willow. Against headaches, rheumatism, fever and various body aches, the bark of the plant is used as an herb.

Two or three grams of dried bark are boiled for ten minutes in 250 milliliters of water. The cooled liquid is filtered. To have an effect, one cup of the decoction should be taken three times a day before meals. The taste of the decoction is bitter and somewhat reminiscent of that of aspirin.

The same decoction can be used for skin injuries and pimples. For this purpose, gauze is soaked in it and it is applied to the affected area. The procedure is done three times a day.

Folk healers recommend chewing raw white willow bark for diseased gums, caries and sore throats.

Harms from willow

Although the decoctions are different procedures with white willow bark have a positive effect on many diseases, Salix alba should not be affected without first consulting a doctor. Keep in mind that people with allergies to aspirin or salicylic should not use the plant. Occasionally, with increased drug use, nausea, dizziness, itching and other unpleasant symptoms are observed.

The same goes for pregnant women and nursing mothers. The bark of the plant can also be dangerous for people suffering from asthma, diabetes, kidney and liver problems. The drug Salix alba is not suitable for combination with some drugs to lower blood pressure and anticoagulants.

See exactly how to make a decoction of willow.
