Folk Medicine With Hydrastis

Folk Medicine With Hydrastis
Folk Medicine With Hydrastis

Hydrastis is an herb that can be used internally and externally. When used internally, the plant quickly eliminates infections, helps to restore the liver. At the first signs of a cold or flu, make a decoction of the herb.

Hydrastis roots are used for treatment. Externally, the plant is used to treat acne, eczema, herpes, psoriasis. The herb also helps with worms and purulent inflammation. Rinses with a decoction of the plant are effective in eye inflammation.

Hydrastis also relieves muscle discomfort, respiratory problems, stimulates the kidneys and treats urinary tract infections. The Indians used this herb - they treated various skin diseases.

You can use it as a mouthwash - it has a strong antiseptic effect and relieves sore gums or throat, tonsillitis, pyorrhea and more.

The herb is also effective for women's problems, such as white discharge or inflammation of the ovaries - it is enough to wash with a decoction of hydrastis.

Benefits of Hydrastis
Benefits of Hydrastis

- If you have a sore throat, gargle with a decoction of the herb - at least twice a day. Another option is to drink tea made from the herb.

- To cleanse the body of toxins, make tea from hydrastis, sage, rosemary, echinacea, thistle and clove.

- In case of a fungal infection, use a tincture of powdered roots of the herb. It can also help with psoriasis. Diluted with water, the tincture is suitable for rinsing the eyes or toilet shower. Tincture of the herb is used for ear infections, as long as the eardrum is not perforated.

- If hydrastis is combined with ochanka, you can relieve hay fever.

It is not desirable for pregnant women to drink a decoction of the herb. It should not be drunk by people with high blood pressure. It is not recommended to take large doses of the plant, because it can cause overexcitation of the nervous system, as well as stomach discomfort. It is best to consult a specialist before starting treatment with hydrastis.
