Folk Tricks For Diseased Joints

Folk Tricks For Diseased Joints
Folk Tricks For Diseased Joints

Joint diseases are common in people of all ages. No matter where the pain is - in the lower back, shoulders, knees or elsewhere - there are a number alternative remedies for joint painwhich effectively relieve symptoms such as muscle congestion, limited movement and difficulty walking.

Horseradish compress

Horseradish compresses are considered the best remedy for joint disease. To prepare it, you need to grind horseradish on a fine grater, put it in a clean bandage and attach it to the place where it hurts. To enhance the effect, you will need to tie the limb with stretch film and a woolen scarf. Hold the compress as long as possible, but not until severe pain occurs. Then remove the compress and lubricate the skin with a greasy cream (preferably baby). An alternative is the application of fresh horseradish leaves.

Eggshells in diseased joints
Eggshells in diseased joints

Photo: Drown In Fitness

Eggshell and milk

Another also effective folk trick for sore joints. Grind a few eggshells, add the same amount of homemade fermented milk, stir until smooth and make a compress, hold on the inflamed joint for no more than an hour.


You should take one pea of propolis every day. You can apply to the affected area pre-softened in a water bath propolis.

Herbal ointment

Grind a tablespoon of dried herbs St. John's wort and yarrow and add a tablespoon of Vaseline, heated in a water bath. Rub receipts ointment in the diseased joint with massage movements.

Coniferous baths

Healing baths can be made of spruce, pine, fir and cedar needles. Also collect branches if possible. Mix collection. As soon as you find out that the legs or your joints start to hurt, then take a handful of needles and boil with boiling water. Cook for at least 20-30 minutes. Cool. When the temperature of the solution reaches 38-40 ° C, immerse your feet for at least 40 minutes. After the procedure, wrap yourself warmly and rest. The course of therapy is 7-10 baths with intervals of two days.


Sick joints
Sick joints

Cut a circle of lemon and fix it for three consecutive nights on the inflamed joint. This will improve the patient's condition in a short time.

Hot and cold compresses

They help to quickly relieve pain and relax tense muscles. Apply a hot compress on the affected area for twenty minutes, then immediately apply a cold compress for another 20 minutes.
