How Does Sugar Harm Our Body?

How Does Sugar Harm Our Body?
How Does Sugar Harm Our Body?

Every third inhabitant of our planet is overweight. According to many studies of world scientists, the reason for this is excessive sugar consumption. This sweet product is as addictive as alcohol and drugs. White powder is a provocateur of many diseases associated with metabolic processes.

Today, natural sugar is being replaced by industrial sugar, with all its impurities and additives. This is an unregulated, uncontrollable drug. Refined sugar - the simplest disaccharide, which is divided into monosaccharides inside us. Glucose immediately enters the bloodstream, raising sugar levels. The body automatically responds by releasing insulin from the pancreas, a substance that helps glucose break down the cell barrier by entering cells and transforming it into energy.

that's why the sweet is considered fast energy. Sugar gives an instant surge of strength, insulin first releases sugar, but then its level in the blood drops sharply. In the absence of sugar, the body tries to protect itself by resuming stress. Therefore, very soon after consuming jam there is a feeling of hunger and a desire to eat something else.

Paradox: you eat sugar, and energy begins to decline sharply

A new portion of jam - a new release of insulin, again lowering glucose and so on in a vicious circle, so it's hard to get enough of jam. At some point a person does not cope with this cycle, insulin resistance increases, diabetes occurs. Many people do not notice the changes in the body and live in a pre-diabetic condition, which increases the risk of cancer. In some cases sugar may fall to the lowest level, leading to glycemia.


The sugar reaction causes certain processes in the brain. The sweet product changes consciousness: chemical processes are triggered, causing a state of irritation.

Excess carbohydrates, glucose, fructose are converted into fat. A thick burger is much safer than jam and soda. Fat-free products are replaced with sugar. The hormone insulin causes the growth of adipose tissue and reduces metabolism. Excess sugar in the body determines different levels of metabolism, which accumulates fat. Especially those that are deposited around the internal organs - visceral fat, which leads to various metabolic diseases that can be fatal.

What is dangerous sugar?

Carbonated is full of sugar
Carbonated is full of sugar

Contributes to changes in blood sugar, which leads to frequent mood swings and headaches;

Leads to a violation of the immune system, as it provokes the growth of fungi and bacteria in violation of the balance, with which the immune system weakens 17 times;

Excessive sugar consumption leads to obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease;

Industrial sugar is toxic because it extracts valuable vitamins and minerals from the body for its own digestion, depleting the body;

The processed product, consumed daily in large quantities, helps to increase the acidity in the stomach. More and more minerals are needed to restore balance. At the same time, a lot of calcium is expelled from the teeth and bones, which leads to their destruction and weakening of the body;

It causes wear and tear on all organs in the body, starting with the liver. It expands over time and, reaching a certain limit, releases excess glycogen into the blood as fatty acids. They are deposited in different parts of the body: on the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, back. After filling less active parts of the body, fatty acids fill the heart, kidneys, which leads to an increase in blood pressure;

Harm from sugar
Harm from sugar

One of the clearest harms our body by consuming sugar is accelerating the aging process because eating very sweet has a negative effect on the skin. Combined in the blood with proteins, sugar molecules cause a condition during which the elasticity of body tissues is weakened;

Overeating with sugar causes the same chronic diseases as alcoholism and smoking. In the same way, the pleasure centers in the brain are affected, provoking the person to take a new dose.
