

Spillway / Herniaria / is a genus of annual, biennial or perennial herbaceous plants of the Clove family. The flowers of most species are gathered in groups at the base of the leaves. The perianth of the flowers is deeply 5-parted. The stamens are 5 fruiting and 5 barren. The column has a two-part lollipop. The leaves have membranous stipules. Plants of this genus are widespread in Europe, Asia and Africa. There are 6 species naturally distributed in Bulgaria.

Types of rash

One of the most common species in our country is the naked rash - Herniaria glabra L. It is also known as bleach, bleach, bare bleach, gills, untied, soapwort, soapwort and others. Naked rash is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant. The stem from the base has numerous branches, 6-15 (30) cm long, recumbent, bare green. The leaves are opposite, obovate, lanceolate, elliptical or spatulate.

The flowers are almost sessile, gathered in lateral heads to spike-like inflorescences in the leaf axils along the branches. Petals are 5 pieces, filamentous, shorter than the calyx. The fruit is a nut. This species blooms from April to August. It grows in sandy, grassy and stony places. The plant is found throughout the country up to 1500 m above sea level. It is widespread throughout Europe.

Another common species in Bulgaria is coarse-grained spillway - Herniaria hirsuta. The plant is also known as hairy bleach, hairy rash, companion, chetnik rash and others. Coarse-grained rash is an annual to perennial tuberous plant. Its stem has numerous creeping branches, up to 1 cm thick, covered with short gray-green hairs.

The leaves of the plant are small, elliptical, gray-green. Stipules are triangular, white. The flowers are small, gathered in inflorescences in the lateral branches. The fruit is ovoid, slightly shorter than the calyx. The coarse-grained rash blooms from May to August. It grows in sandy and stony places, up to 1200 m above sea level. Apart from Bulgaria, it is found in Central, Southern and Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean, Southwest and Central Asia.

Pouring composition

The spill contains saponins herniarin (about 3%) and a small amount of hernia acid (a derivative of triterpene saponins), coumarin methylumbeliferon (also called herniarin), tannins, flavonoids, minerals and about 0.6% essential oil.

Collection and storage of effluent

The above-ground parts of the naked and coarse-grained rash are used as medicines. / Herba Herniariae glabrae and Herba Herniariae hirsutae /. These parts of the plants are collected during flowering from July to August. When picking, the stalks should be cut, not uprooted.

Even then, the stalks are shaken well to separate the soil and sand that fall on them. Harvesting should be done in dry and sunny weather. When picking, the different species should not be mixed. The collected material is cleaned of yellowed stems and occasional impurities, then dried in a ventilated room in the shade or in an oven at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees.

From 5 kg of fresh stalks 1 kg of dry ones is obtained. Processed herbs must have retained their natural appearance or acquired a yellow-green color. The extract obtained from the effluent, when shaken in water, forms abundant foam. When rubbed between the fingers, the herb has a coumarin odor. The taste of the rash is bitter and irritating to the throat. The dried material is packed in standard weight bales, which are stored in dry and ventilated rooms, but not for too long, because over time the drug activity decreases.

Benefits of spills

The spill has a diuretic, analgesic, antispasmodic effect. The healing effect is due to the flavonoids, saponins and essential oil it contains. The herb is used successfully in inflammation, sand or stones in the kidneys and bladder, edema, diseases of the bile and bile ducts.

In Bulgarian folk medicine, the rash is used for albumin, gout, rheumatism, tuberculosis, ronchial catarrh, to tighten the flat muscles. It also helps with spasms of the bladder and urinary retention, pyelitis, urethritis, gonorrhea. It is used in tertiary syphilis. Externally used to apply paws on skin rashes, wounds, lichens (boiled or crushed fresh plant). A crushed fresh plant is used as a compress for [insect bites].

The most common indication for the use of the rash is edema, which develops in kidney disease, as well as in ascites. Extract from spillway It is also recommended for biliary dyskinesia, nephrolithiasis (for easier disposal of sand and small stones). In irritable bowel syndrome, the use of drug extracts also has a good effect.

Externally, the plant is used to accelerate the healing of difficult-to-heal wounds, dry skin and recurrent lichens. The drug is also used as a means of adding to the mixture for making homemade soap, used in washing and laundry (most likely in connection with the available saponins).

Folk medicine with rash

In our folk medicine, and also in the folk medicine of a number of European countries, extracts from spillway are used as a means of stimulating diuresis and as a means of relieving painful spasms of smooth muscles (mainly the digestive tract). For this purpose, 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs is boiled in 400 ml of boiling water. Then soak for about 20 minutes. Take 1 cup 3 times daily before meals.

Infusion of the plant can be prepared as follows: Pour 2 tablespoons of finely chopped herb with 400 ml of boiling water. Leave the mixture to stand for 15 minutes and strain it. The liquid is consumed in portions throughout the day.

Our folk medicine offers the following recipe with spillway against cystitis: In 1 liter of water put a mixture of 1 tablespoon of bearberry, 1 tablespoon of raisins and 1 tablespoon of white birch. The mixture is boiled for 5 minutes, then transferred to a non-metallic container. The liquid is taken for 1 day.

In psoriasis you can prepare a decoction of spillway. For this purpose, 3 tablespoons of the herb are boiled in 600 ml of water for 5 minutes. Allow to soak until cool and then strain. Drink 80 ml 6 times a day, 15 minutes before eating or 30 minutes after.

Damage from eruptions

Like most herbs, the rash should not be used without medical supervision. The plant should not be used for gallstones and acute nephritis. It is also not recommended to take the rash in large doses.