A Few Myths About Digestion

A Few Myths About Digestion
A Few Myths About Digestion

Myth 1: Spicy foods cause stomach ulcers

The truth: A few decades ago, spicy foods were considered the main culprits for the formation of stomach ulcers. Nowadays, however, this claim is flatly rejected. Infection caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori or due to the abuse of the so-called. non-opioid analgesics such as acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the most common causes of gastric ulcers.

Myth 2: Swallowed gum will be processed for years in the stomach

Truth: This is absolutely untrue. Chewing gum does not stick to the walls of the digestive tract. Like other foods, it moves along its entire length without any problems. It leaves the body a few days after ingestion.

Myth 3: Beans cause the most gas


The truth: In fact, beans and legumes do not rank first in the causes of gas. Above them are dairy products. With age, the body finds it increasingly difficult to break down and absorb lactose in milk.

Myth 4: People with lactose intolerance should not consume dairy products

Truth: That's right. People who have an intolerance to milk and dairy products have a different ability to process and digest this type of food in their intestines. Some of these people may develop symptoms after just one glass of milk. Others - can drink two or more without problems. People absorb yogurt and ice cream better than fresh.

Myth 5: Dietary fiber only helps with constipation, not diarrhea

The truth: At first glance, it seems illogical that fiber helps against diarrhea, since they so skillfully prevent constipation. But this is a fact! Consumption of high-fiber foods helps regulate stool.
