Which Fruits Are Recommended For Diabetes

Which Fruits Are Recommended For Diabetes
Which Fruits Are Recommended For Diabetes

Diabetes should not be a sentence, as it is possible to live a full and quality life, even with such a serious illness. You do not need to give up the usual foods and fruits, even they should become the main source of minerals, vitamins and vital fiber.

In such a situation, the main condition will be the careful selection of these fruits. It is necessary to pay attention only to those vegetables and fruits in diabetes that have a low glycemic index. However, it is impossible to forget about the amount of the portion.

Speaking of which fruits can be consumed in diabetes, we will note those that have a glycemic index in the range of 55-70 and do not exceed these limits. If this indicator is more than 70 points, then the product is contraindicated in any type of diabetes.

By following such a simple recommendation, it is possible to keep blood sugar at a normal level. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the volume of the part eaten.

To make the right choice, you should use only sour or sweet-sour varieties. Juices and sugar varieties of fruit can have a very negative impact on health, leading to a sharp jump in blood glucose in a patient with diabetes.

It should not be forgotten that fruit and vegetable juices are several times heavier in terms of glycemia than the products from which they are extracted. Such a picture is observed given the fact that the juice is a liquid without fibers, which indicates an influence on the assimilation of sugar.



They can and should be consumed in type 2 diabetes. Apples contain pectin, which is able to purify the blood and thus help reduce the level of glucose in it. In addition to pectin, apples contain sufficient vitamin C, potassium, fiber and iron. These fruits are available all year round and will help you overcome the symptoms of depression, remove excess fluid and prevent swelling.



If you decide that pears are not very sweet, then they, like apples, will be digested for a long time in the stomach and will also contribute to weight loss.



It has long been known that this citrus contains a huge supply of vitamin C, which protects the body from viruses, it is quite important in the period of mass colds. The glycemic index of grapefruit is so low that even a fairly large fruit will not lead to an increase in blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes of any type.



The cherry can be called truly priceless. It contains such a huge amount of coumarin and iron that it is enough to prevent the formation of blood clots. Even sweet cherries cannot cause excessive blood glucose production.

Black currant

black currant
black currant

Blackcurrants (red and black) are an excellent option for diabetics. Not only can the fruit be eaten, but the leaves of this amazing shrub can be used for medicinal tea.
