Three Food And Beverage Colorants Are Dangerous For Children

Three Food And Beverage Colorants Are Dangerous For Children
Three Food And Beverage Colorants Are Dangerous For Children

Three of the most widely used colorants for food and beverages are dangerous to children's health, said Associate Professor Georgi Miloshev, head of the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.

The problem is that these colorants have been identified as safe by European health authorities and are widely used by manufacturers.

These dyes are known as E143 (fast green), E132 (indigo carmine) and E127 (erythrosine). and they are used to paint candies, drinks and all kinds of sweets in red, blue and green.

Although they are entered in the European registers as harmless when used in small doses, according to Associate Professor Miloshev, their long-term use can lead to a change in the structure of human DNA, and hence to a risk to human health.


Among the most vulnerable to the dangerous effects of these dyes are children, who are also among the largest consumers of the products in which they are used - colorful candies, lollipops and soft drinks.

More and more domestic manufacturers are trying to replace the dangerous dyes hidden under the common name E's and harmless natural dyes.

Quite successfully, an extract from grape skins, known as grapefruit skin, produces a red color characteristic of drinks such as raspberries and cherries.

Apart from the fact that the natural dye is completely safe for health, it also belongs to the group of the so-called antioxidants. However, its use is very limited because it is significantly more expensive than artificial chemicals.

A red color can also be obtained by extracting the colorant from a variety of red carrots.

Fruit juices
Fruit juices

Years ago, green drinks were among the most sought after and sold in our country. The characteristic green color was achieved with the help of the dye in question E143 (fast green).

The color of lemonade, which is also often present on the table at home, is achieved with the help of the chemical tartrazine, which is labeled E102 on beverage labels.

The yellow color can also be achieved with the help of natural dyes, for which carotenes are the most suitable.

The problem with using natural instead of artificial colors in food and beverages is that they are relatively more expensive than chemicals.

In addition, they are much more durable, which will affect the shelf life of the final product.
