Corn Is A Superfood

Corn Is A Superfood
Corn Is A Superfood

Regular consumption of corn is super useful. It is enough to get all the necessary vitamins for the body. Cereals protect the heart and body from various diseases.

One of them is diabetes. People who eat corn every day get 22% more of the fiber that is essential for a healthy diet.

Corn is rich in carbohydrates, magnesium, folic acid, protein and other very important nutrients. Corn is one of the most popular vegetables in the world. It can be eaten in any form - in salads, as a main course, for breakfast, baked. It is low in fat and complex carbohydrates.

Corn dates back 9,000 years. It was an important aspect of Aztec civilization in Central America.

The health benefits of corn are huge. Corn is a fantastic source of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Corn is also rich in folic acid, vitamin B.

Boiled corn
Boiled corn

Vitamin B12 and folic acid in corn prevent iron deficiency anemia.

Corn cleanses the digestive system, is useful against constipation and hemorrhoids. Corn is a good source of thiamine (vitamin B1), which is part of the process of converting food into energy in the body.

Corn has been found to be rich in carotenoids, specifically beta-cryptoxanthin. According to experts, this carotenoid reduces the risk of lung cancer.

Not so well known in Bulgaria is corn hair tea. It has sedative, antibacterial and deuretic properties. Helps with kidney problems, inflammation of the urinary tract and bladder, protects against gout and rheumatism.

It also prevents nocturnal enuresis in children. Removes subcutaneous fat and promotes weight loss by giving a feeling of satiety and reduces the feeling of hunger.
